Recent content by Crit Happens

  1. C

    Architecture and Urban Poetry

    Re: Rose Kennedy Greenway Dodge the cars, avoid the ramps This ain't Paris, nor the Champs Elysees, nor the Esplanade. In fact the whole thing's rather odd. But I have faith that trees will grow and flowers bloom, and you should know that parks take time; they're never done; and you know what...
  2. C

    Mandarin Oriental | 776 Boylston St | Back Bay

    Re: Mandarin Oriental Care to cite an example of that happening?
  3. C

    Rose Kennedy Greenway

    Not really so true. Look at the Hotel Intercontinental. Tall, casts shadows, is not contextual, creates a canyon, arguably adds to the Manhattanization of Boston, is entirely private (you pay to stay), and contains maybe a few affordable units and no other public facilities, unless you include...
  4. C

    Rose Kennedy Greenway

    Apologies, kennedy, for my moment of snark. I should not have implied in any way that you are an illiterate muppet. Still, many of the muppets appeared to be semiliterate at best -- witness their unending struggle with the "silent e" -- and yet they maintained a high level of cuteness and...
  5. C

    Rose Kennedy Greenway

    It's called the subjunctive, and it's an integral part of the English language. As in, "if I were you."
  6. C

    Rose Kennedy Greenway

    MassHort is currently leasing these parcels from the Greenway Conservancy.
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    Rose Kennedy Greenway

    Back on topic: I just took a walk along the Greenway, and I can report that the fall color is just about peak and some of the flowers are still in bloom. If you're nearby this weekend, it's going to be a great time to check out the colors, especially in the "green" parcels between Rowes...
  8. C

    Rose Kennedy Greenway

    Building an Environment In most good urban open spaces, towers and "object buildings" serve as punctuation, while the fabric of a relatively continuous street wall is more crucial to spatial definition. The Greenway is a special case, since the buildings are set back from the green space by...
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    Rose Kennedy Greenway

    The Greenway Conservancy has received public money to maintain, manage, and program public lands, and they've been given wide berth to decide how those lands will be maintained, managed, and programmed. Little or no oversight or transparency has been built into their organization; they are...
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    Rose Kennedy Greenway

    Aside from Shirley, who in Boston is standing up against the privatization of public space? She is the conscience of the city on this issue, and we're the better for it.
  11. C

    Apple Store Thread ][

    It's always worked for me.
  12. C

    Apple Store Thread ][

    The "missing tooth" comment is apt, and yet . . . Even though in photos taken from across the street the Apple Store seems "less" than its neighbors (less opaque, less reflective, less solid) my impression is that it also has considerable charisma and presence. I realize that these are harder...
  13. C

    Northeastern eyes dorms

    Sorry, who's the architect again?
  14. C

    Rose Kennedy Greenway

    This spring MassHort planted about 25 to 30 trees over and above what the Turnpike Authority (Big Dig) planted. MassHort purchased most of the shrubs and trees, though in some cases they've accepting donations to cover the cost. They've grown many of the flowering perennials themselves and...
