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  1. type001

    General Boston Discussion

    Very Rifleman take you had there I think his/her comment did. It was actually your comments that were a few degrees off from what we were taking about.
  2. type001

    General Boston Discussion

    Massachusetts is a place the rich want to live and invest. But furthermore, who cares either way? Why have you spent the last 15 years lurking this site just to crap all over this place?
  3. type001

    Boston University - Warren Towers Renovation | 700 Commonwealth Avenue | Fenway

    Ah, the memories - both vivid and hazy.
  4. type001

    "Dirty Old Boston"

    So true. There is nothing like it.
  5. type001

    Landmarking Brutalism

    I didn't get the point of the reply either. Maybe it was intended for a different message or thread even.
  6. type001

    Hurley Building Redevelopment | 19 Staniford St | West End

    It doesn't matter what's built if the Hurley building remains. That is all.
  7. type001

    Hurley Building Redevelopment | 19 Staniford St | West End

    Agreed. The entire building needs to go unfortunately. And it's a good building, but an urban travesty.
  8. type001

    Winchester Small Developments

    ^Agreed, and I believe there is a plan to raze and redevelop when the T station is complete.
  9. type001

    Landmarking Brutalism

    Another reason why it's OK it got landmarked, is because it's small. The State Services building, on the other hand...
  10. type001

    Shreve, Crump & Low Redevelopment | 334-364 Boylston Street | Back Bay

    Agreed. And dare I say that the better buildings on the block remained.
  11. type001

    Landmarking Brutalism

    Nice. A no brainer really. I worked in there in 2006-2008, and really liked it
  12. type001

    🔹 What's Happening With Project X?

    ^Ha, I totally forgot about this. Wasn't this floated around a few years ago?
  13. type001

    Middlesex County Courthouse Redevelopment | 40 Thorndike St | East Cambridge

    I'm on the side of this being a complete success.
  14. type001

    Winchester Small Developments

    Welcome WinchesterPlanning! Thanks for posting this. I can't believe this is finally happening. Very exciting.
  15. type001

    Fenway Corners (Red Sox) | 1 Jersey Street | Fenway

    You've got to be kidding.
  16. type001

    Fenway Corners (Red Sox) | 1 Jersey Street | Fenway

    Ha, that is true most of the time, but ownership has been infuriating the last few years. They are not spending and keep pissing in our ears and telling us it's raining.
  17. type001

    Lyrik Back Bay | 1001 Boylston Street (Parcel 12) | Back Bay

    If you’re talking about it, it wasn’t poorly thought out.
  18. type001

    "Dirty Old Boston"

    Thank you for sharing that!
  19. type001

    "Dirty Old Boston"

    I actually never knew that the central artery existed before 93 was built.
  20. type001

    11-21 Bromfield Street | DTX | Downtown

    I hear ya, but really only one of those should have been built (and I lament it every day).
