ArchBoston Reading List (Architecture/Urban Design edition)


Senior Member
May 25, 2006
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Somebody (I apologize, I forget who) started this list back on ArchBoston V1.1. I thought it was great idea so I'm restarting it here. Please relist your old suggestions and you have anything new you would like to add, please do.

Cityscapes of Boston by Robert Campbell
Some of this is out-dated, but even the "now" pictures are a fun look back at what the city was like just a few years ago. Plus Cambell really has a firm grasp on what make a good urban evironment.

Invented Cities : The Creation of Landscape in Nineteenth-Century New York and Boston by Mona Domosh
A somewhat dry, almost textbook-like read, but lots of great insight as to why Boston seems to have grown so much slower then NYC.

Lost Boston by Jane Holtz Kay
A bit anti-progress NIMBY-ish, but if you love old buildings and/or good urban form you'll be heartbroken by what this city had and has thrown away.

I'll try to add more later....
I see only one book on that page. Also, the page seems to belong to someone named "timspalding" and not to you?
Sorry about that Ron. I fixed the URL above--it should work now.
