Columbia Road redesign (Dorchesterway)


Senior Member
Apr 29, 2014
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That, however, doesn’t necessarily mean a center-running bus lane, which has been extremely controversial and a major tension point in the Blue Hill Avenue re-design process over the last two years.

The RFP does ask the consultant to “propose bus and bike related facilities including lanes, bus stops, and Bluebike locations,” but city officials said that isn’t a call for bus lanes.
I feel their justification for this - lower bus ridership on this corridor than Blue Hill Ave - doesn't capture the full picture.

The 16 bus which uses the entirety of Columbia Rd does have high ridership, higher than two Key Bus Routes as of 2018 (as per bus route profiles), just not as high as Blue Hill Ave. The bus redesign promotes it to Frequent Bus Route T16.

It's not clear if the lower ridership is a result of less frequent service on the 16, and if higher quality service with center-running bus lanes will improve ridership significantly.

And I find the "controversy" about BHA bus lanes weird and unnecessary to begin with, anyway.
Yeah I'm really sick of the 'low ridership' as a reason to not invest in bus lanes or other things. Like part of the reason for low ridership is the poor service!!! (obviously there's going to be other factors but still).
This road has needed beautification for so long. Elimination of parking is probably a nonstarter but would certainly make the room needed for trees and bus lanes.

If only Franklin Park could be a major destination. Part of that is rapid access to the park.
