Portsmouth Update's


Active Member
Nov 2, 2006
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I thought I would show some of the newly finished building in up in Portsmouth- there is also a shot of the new steeple


Market square before- god I hated the fugly building and lot


same shot now- they are still working on them but all but one of the stores on the bottom are open, and I would think people in the upper floors will start moving in soon.


Former parking lot.. I really dislike the planning on this street, the parking structure, from which this shot is taken, isn't right up to the street, I would love to see a few small, be them very slender buildings go up along side it, fuck it I don't think we need on street parking next to a five story building made for parking.


This I like this building but It needs another five or six story building next to it down the street, right now it dives off into a large lot with a one story flat office building. I also wish they made more retail along the bottom I think there is only one store front which is a bank.


Some improvement to the space I talked about... its better then it was, the bus stop is being moved out of market square, or at least some of the traffic redirected, and they put a small park in, though I feel this street could to really well with more retail, foot traffic is high enough even without anything here, so why not put something there!


yup, I think that is copper, and no I don't know why, but it might look cool.

Other things in the pipeline are two buildings (four and six stories each I think) going up on the two empty lots on bow street right on the water... I'm not sure when they break ground but it should be soon. There is also on going battles in the norther tier... we shall see how they play out.
^For all the grief the Hilton got, I'm kind of disappointed with it as well. The building style is nice and all, but it has a terrible interaction with the street - I completely agree with your point about there being no real street-level retail. It's quite an improvement over the parking lot, but it could have been designed much better.

Nice pics, btw. I'm so glad to see that steeple being restored, it was really beginning to become an eyesore.
