Tallest Timber Building to be built in Milwaukee


Active Member
Jun 15, 2018
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I saw this posted and I was thinking about the possibilities in Portland using timber construction to save costs, etc..
Speaking of wood, I've been surprised to see two of our new mid-rise buildings going up with seemingly all wood frames. Both the 6-story Portland Housing project on Boyd Street and the 7-story Furman Block on Kennebec Street seem to be composed primarily of wood. I know the stair towers are cement and there are other materials involved, but it surprises me to see buildings this tall being built with wood, I would have thought you'd need stronger materials to support the loads. But then, I know nothing about building construction or engineering!

But if it's the case that new technologies allow taller buildings to be made from wood I wonder if there's an opportunity to tap into one of our largest natural resources and help the timber industry at the same time.
Is Maine particulary good at building in wood?
There was supposed to be a new plant to be built in Maine(Lincoln) for Cross Laminated Timber due to vast amount of wood in Maine. The new student center and dorm at USM will be using this technology.
