Thread Naming Convention Suggestions?


Senior Member
May 25, 2006
Reaction score
Hey all.

I forget who it was who suggested the current new project thread naming convention a while back:

Project Name | Project Address | Project City/Neighborhood

It's great! I think it works really well and honestly just looks nice.

Unfortunately, I'm having a little trouble keeping it consistent. Some projects don't have official names, some don't have addresses yet, sometimes the project name is the address, etc. I do the best I can to keep it uniform, but I'm know a lot of thread titles could use a clean up.

So, if you see a thread that you think could be titled better please let know in this thread. A link to the thread and your suggestion for a better title would be helpful. I may not follow every suggestion, but I will consider all of them.

Thanks, Stat. You know what would greatly help me and possibly others? For all Seaport developments, could the Parcel number or letter be added to the title? I'm constantly confused by which Fan Pier or Seaport Square or Massport parcel we're discussing. I guess this would also go for Pike parcels and Greenway parcels.
Thanks Shep, I try to edit the Seaport/Greenway/Pike threads when I get some time.
iAM thinkin THIS. NOT Wort wHOLE cOnventION timeto get NAME!!!! BEtter to get DRINK. maybe 2 0r more. STRIPS club too.
What's your boss going to say when you come back from the convention unable to recall even a single type of new naming best practice?
