BLVD | 320 Revere Beach Boulevard | Revere


Senior Member
Oct 13, 2019
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Is this ocean-front property? If so, this is nuts. I would think that something more dramatic and larger scale would be going up here.
Is this ocean-front property? If so, this is nuts. I would think that something more dramatic and larger scale would be going up here.

Yes but also kind of a marginal location in that it’s a relatively long commute into town(anywhere beyond the Financial District that is) and there’s virtually nothing around as far as neighborhood amenities(restaurants, bars, coffee shops, gyms, etc.).
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IMO Revere Beach went backward. When it was there for amusement, at least there were places to go for food, drink, and entertainment. Then they tore the entire thing down. And since then, I've found the architecture to be an extremely cheap version of South Beach in Miami. Opportunities abounded, yet city fathers and mothers took a low road and settled on crappy looking buildings in a wasteland, aside from a very few attractive amenities. And they did not capitalize enough on the Blue Line being a 20 minute link to downtown. Revere, after all, was the first public beach in America, so it had some great history to uphold.
