A Cambridge City Council panel’s proposal would legalize six-story buildings. Everywhere. - The Boston Globe
The ambitious proposal, designed to tackle the city’s housing crisis, would essentially scrap the current neighborhood-by-neighborhood zoning scheme.

What's nice is that it doesn't preclude anything taller - - I like it!
"......Councilors Burhan Azeem and Sumbul Siddiqui want to legalize six-story apartment buildings by-right citywide, meaning any housing development up to that height that fits other zoning parameters would not need city zoning approval.
In effect, the proposal would essentially scrap the city’s current neighborhood-by-neighborhood zoning scheme for anything six stories or smaller. From tight-packed East Cambridge to leafy Strawberry Hill, six-story buildings could rise largely unencumbered.
It would also, at least symbolically, make Cambridge the first city in Massachusetts to end single-family zoning as the default for housing construction. That does not mean single-family homes won’t be allowed anymore, but rather that something larger than a single-family house could be built on any residential lot in the city......"