Yikes. Chill out man, that's why I said it was a genuine question, I was merely curious for clarification on what you meant in your original assertion (and by "nefarious," I meant not about the product being sold, but rather on maybe bad blood with neighbors or something like that, I'm not...
Are you saying that because it's a liquor store? Or is there something more nefarious with their business vis-a-vis the new development? Genuine question, I'm not sure about the history here. I had just assumed they owned their property, which is why the project was to be built around them...
Memorial Drive has been reduced to one lane westbound from just before Amesbury St. to the BU bridge. Is this related to changes in cycling infrastructure and/or the recent death? Cause I didn't see any changes on the EB side, where the incident occurred. Maybe it's unrelated and/or...
Fair enough. From what I remember from my visit here last week, I saw those other tenants as well, but just assumed based on their locations that they wouldn't get to share that view. I could be totally wrong though, and most definitely spoke out of my ass.
That being said, now I really do...
Man, seeing this view, I would love pretty much anything else to occupy this space other than a frickin car dealership. A coffee shop, a restaurant, a cocktail lounge. Hell, a dentist office visit would be bearable while watching traffic drone on below.
Had the pleasure of swinging by here yesterday. It gave me kind of a Bow Market vibe, although perhaps a bit more corporate, and less compartmentalized. It was hard to envision how much of the public space/seating areas will be reserved for patrons of the various tenants (restaurants/etc.).
I seem to remember they had lighting similar to this lining the Vassar St bike lanes in Cambridge, like almost 20 years ago. I don't think they lasted long. But i remember them looking cool and futuristic.
I am a little nervous about that bike lane though, I know there's a lot of fencing...
Wow. I haven't been following this one in a while, it's massive! It's amazing how easy it is to overlook the size of some of these parcels when they're one-story buildings. I used to walk by this garage on Queensbury all the time, but never really appreciated the scale of the lot, and seeing...
I remember seeing a video of the elevator in (I think) the new WTC tower in NY, which played a similar 3-d movie, but which started in like 1600 and moved forward in time as the elevator rose, so you could see new buildings pop up as the city evolved (and admittedly got a little eerie when the...
Why not Government Center? I feel like there was something similar to snowport (albeit much smaller) about 6/7 years ago. Admittedly, I haven't been down to GC plaza in a while, so maybe it's changed, but that always seemed like a good location.
I don't care one way or the other about the inclusion of the logo, but every image I've ever seen of it, it's really hard to make out exactly what it says. Maybe it's something about the way the panels on the mechanical screen are arranged behind it, but the best I make out upon a quick glance...
The Hampshire St. project has its own website, which notes Nov 7th and Nov 15th community engagements:
Wow, this is almost nostalgic for me. I feel like Hampshire was one of the OG...