Recent content by Equilibria

  1. Equilibria

    Police Details, Cameras, & Enforcement Methods

    My point. I'm taking a break from this site for the first time in 18 years, and it's because of you.
  2. Equilibria

    Police Details, Cameras, & Enforcement Methods

    None of this is in good faith, and this conversation has taken a tone that is beneath this board, and I'm contributing to it, so I'm done. You guys win.
  3. Equilibria

    Police Details, Cameras, & Enforcement Methods

    Baseless accusations? They're direct quotes! The post I'm responding to says that "At any rate, that’s a distraction. Vandalism, trespassing, speeding, and illegally modifying a vehicle to evade speeding consequences are all unacceptable behaviors and do not reflect a mature, stable, or...
  4. Equilibria

    Police Details, Cameras, & Enforcement Methods

    When you guys start being serious let me know, because so far you've compared drivers to rapists and claimed that they aren't mature, stable, or well-functioning members of society.
  5. Equilibria

    Police Details, Cameras, & Enforcement Methods

    100% of people who drive regularly exceed the speed limit. The flow of traffic we design our roads for (70 mph on highways) typically exceeds the speed limit. This statement is ridiculous. Saying things like this kind of proves my point: this conversation is really about hating people whose...
  6. Equilibria

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    Wasn't that tied to the elimination of a Brickbottom stop (which at present would have been even more useless) to ameliorate the people in the lofts? I don't think it was about usage.
  7. Equilibria

    Great Scott Redevelopment | 1 Harvard Ave | Allston

    Maybe her fans realized she's old enough to be their mom... it would not shock me at all if she performed there in 2011 or so. I wonder if they used the real posters from those concerts? My thought was that there must be something to it, or those artists would never have given them permission...
  8. Equilibria

    Copper Mill Development | Elm Street and Grove Street | Davis Square

    Glad you appreciated the effort, Andrew!
  9. Equilibria

    Great Scott Redevelopment | 1 Harvard Ave | Allston

  10. Equilibria

    Somernova Campus | Duck Village | Somerville

    Why does a State Senator need to join a splinter group of neighbors? You're an elected official! Just call the developer if you have concerns...
  11. Equilibria

    Copper Mill Development | Elm Street and Grove Street | Davis Square

    Your condescension really adds a lot to the conversation. Thanks! The filing you refer to is called an "Environmental Impact Statement", and they are indeed required.
  12. Equilibria

    Harvard Enterprise Research Campus | 100 Western Avenue | Allston

    I sense a definite trend to what the BSA considers "beautiful". I respectfully disagree.
  13. Equilibria

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    Ultimately I think Union doesn't see significant improvement until/unless it is rebuilt to accommodate an extension to Porter. That said, others are correct that there probably aren't enough people typically on the platform that relatively small enclosed shelters wouldn't be adequate most of the...
  14. Equilibria

    Police Details, Cameras, & Enforcement Methods

    I don't disagree with you, but I'm questioning the relationship between what is obviously acceptable (27 in a 25) and what is obviously not (110 on any road) and the speed limit. I'd argue that the thresholds of acceptability are defined by intuition and societal norms (in the context of the...
  15. Equilibria

    Police Details, Cameras, & Enforcement Methods

    Lots of people in this City and on this website brag about living a car-free LIFESTYLE. If being car-free is one, then not being car-free is also one. Again, my point is not that speeding is a lifestyle, and it's not that this is a bad law as written. My point (as you state pretty well) is that...
