Recent content by H2Osquare

  1. H

    Watertown Infill and Small Developments

    I think “gigantic” apartments is a bit hyperbolic. The last two apartment projects approved in the city, 166 Main Street and 104 Main Street, both had an average unit size between 750-850 square feet, and no unit is bigger than 1250 square feet. So apartments on the site would be quite a bit...
  2. H

    Watertown Infill and Small Developments

    This parcel is adjacent to the Watertown Square rezoning area, and I wish they would have applied to have their land included in one of the new zones, even if it was in one of the less dense zones. I think it would have opened up more interesting possibilities than a generic suburban townhome...
  3. H

    Copper Mill Development | Elm Street and Grove Street | Davis Square

    From speaking with a couple of developer and architect friends, because of the switch to the high rise building code they either do 6 stories or start looking at 12+ stories, which makes it difficult to make that 6-10 story range work. Personally, if bus-only communities like Watertown and...
  4. H

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    It looks like the MPO is using “congestion pricing” to mean “variable tolling on highways” like they do on interstates in Virginia and Texas , rather than a “charge to enter the central business district” like in London or Stockholm. Their map only included interstates and certain state...
  5. H

    Watertown Infill and Small Developments

    New infill proposed on Spring Street. It is the first proposal under the new Watertown Square Zoning passed in November to comply with the MBTA Communities Act. (Edit:this was rezoned, but is not in the MBTA-C by-right area.)
  6. H

    Watertown Infill and Small Developments

    Not to be the bearer of bad news, but the architecture on Arsenal is with City oversight. Elan Union Market and Arsenal Yards both went through design review against the city’s design guidelines by Gamble and Associates themselves.
  7. H

    MBTA Buses & Infrastructure

    Watertown’s City Council approved their high level plan for Watertown Square over the summer. As part of the Plan (pg 27), they propose consolidating the Watertown Square bus terminal (59 and 71) across the river at Watertown Yard. The 70 would stay where it is.
