Recent content by Jahvon09

  1. Jahvon09

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    Another winter that has gone to crap!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad:
  2. Jahvon09

    New Red and Orange Line Cars

    What does Trump have to do with this?!!! The new railcars were ordered long before he returned to office!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad::mad:
  3. Jahvon09

    New Red and Orange Line Cars
  4. Jahvon09

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)
  5. Jahvon09

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    Why can't you seem to understand what I'm saying? All that I'm saying is that there were imperfections that have occured on the line regardless of who was at fault or whatever. You're blatently disputing me when you know that things have occured on the line. :mad: :mad:
  6. Jahvon09

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    I'm just saying that there has been problems on the line practically since it opened. Not blaming anyone, just commenting. but I had 4 children with me when I rode the line. What if something happened to them?!! Thank God it didn't!!! They like to go train riding!!!! They'd probably do it...
  7. Jahvon09

    New Red and Orange Line Cars

    CRRC has been slow in getting the new cars to the MBTA for the longest time. But I guess that no one even knew that this would happen!! I wish & hope that this crappy co is not ever chosen to make any more railcars for the MBTA again. Ever!!!!! :mad: :mad:
  8. Jahvon09

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    The GLX has had more than it's share of problems & crashes!! First it was the tracks which were laid wrong, causing the whole thing to become a slow zone. Then there was a derailmentr not too long ago. Now another crash!!! What's next?!!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek:
  9. Jahvon09

    New Red and Orange Line Cars

    Before, it was the Orange Line that needed them first because the old Hawkers were breaking down & catching fire. They never were given a midlife rebuild. And so, they just went on & on, & on until the wheels came off, so to speak. Now the rest of the Orange Line's new railcars are on hold...
  10. Jahvon09

    New Red and Orange Line Cars

    All of the Orange Line railcars have not been delivered yet either!!!!! I hope that the MBTA never looks to this crappy co, again for new for new railcars!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
  11. Jahvon09

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    A commuter rail train had derailed at Sourh Station, coming from Providence, I think. No one was hurt.
  12. Jahvon09

    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    It looks like it's almost done!!!! :)
  13. Jahvon09

    New Red and Orange Line Cars

    Yet another reason not to be without these!!!!!!
  14. Jahvon09

    New Red and Orange Line Cars

    I saw on the news that a man was hit by an Orange Line train. That he purposly jumped from the platform & onto the track as if to be comiting suiside, Did anyone else hear about this incident? :eek:
  15. Jahvon09

    Acela & Amtrak NEC (HSR BOS-NYP-WAS and branches only)

    Bet that the new Airo trains will be frigging delayed also when it's time for their revenue service to go into effect as well!!!! :eek:
