Recent content by kevtron2000

  1. K

    Crazy Transit Pitches

    If we have a stop at Points of Pines, wouldn’t the floods reduce the need of the station? There isn’t much radius where a person can walk to and from that station. You already have the Lynnway stop across the water.
  2. K

    Crazy Transit Pitches

    All accurate problems, However rather than taking land away from the marsh....You can just acquire the homes alongside it. It is a pricier option but it would connect existing development and businesses. It is a just a third alternative to the two dualing routes of Points of Pines vs Marsh for...
  3. K

    Crazy Transit Pitches

    I'll move this topic over here from a different thread. What are your thoughts on a proposed Blue Line to Lynn via a Western Route. First, it would a right near the intersection of N Shore Rd and Revere St. It would hug inbetween the marsh and the housing torwards the mall. It would cross over...
  4. K

    Blue Line extension to Lynn

    Gotcha. I'll move it over there.
  5. K

    Blue Line extension to Lynn

    There is a minefield in saugus? We can’t clear it up if a proposed train track runs through it? I am okay with the Point of Pines route since there is already existing development. my concern is that the track runs too close to the coastline which is a concern if the sea levels rise in the next...
  6. K

    Blue Line extension to Lynn

    Hello everyone! What are your thoughts on a proposed Blue Line to Lynn via a Western Route. First, it would a right near the intersection of N Shore Rd and Revere St. It would hug inbetween the marsh and the housing torwards the mall. It would cross over the route 1 loop and run along the...
  7. K

    MBTA Red Line / Blue Line Connector

    My thoughts would be connecting from Bowdoin to Charles MGH and then going down say Charles Street and turning on Beacon Street. There would be another stop called like "West End" on that corner of the Public Garden (Arlington by Beacon Street). Then, it would go down Beacon Street and have like...
  8. K

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    Is there a reason why this extension is taking so long to be built?
  9. K

    MBTA Red Line / Blue Line Connector

    Just Wondering. It popped into my mind once again. What is the feasibility of connecting the Blue Line from Bowdoin to Charles MGH and the connecting the line from there to Kenmore Station in order to replace the entire Green Line D Branch. I just noticed from the real life maps of the MBTA that...
  10. K

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    I don't understand why some people think that we should just cancel the entire project. People have spent so many years planning/constructing, yet the entire prohect still isn't completed yet.
  11. K

    MBTA Winter 2015: Failure and Recovery How will privatization of late-night, low ridership, and some express lines help the MBTA's potential business operator? Are...
  12. K

    Regional Rail (RUR) & North-South Rail Link (NSRL)

    Re: North-South Rail Link We need to do both sometime in the future. My only concern of wasted money would be on Central station, which isn't necessary, if we are expanding South Station. Of course, we should take cost into consideration, but the connection is necessary to finally allow...
  13. K

    MBTA Winter 2015: Failure and Recovery

    Interesting choice. It is great that an expert on finances will manage the MBTA. I am just a bit cautious on the MBTA's privatization, which it is moving towards. Of course, privatization is not always bad. Though, keep in mind this plan was started before Baker's term. ->...
  14. K

    MBTA Winter 2015: Failure and Recovery

    It looks like the MBTA is on the road to privatization. "The Baker administration has discussed plans to hire a private company to handle commuter rail fare collection, privatized track work to supplement the T’s...
  15. K

    MBTA Winter 2015: Failure and Recovery

    Higher Prices has the incentitive/potential to decrease the future expected ridership. I highly doubt if the T were to increase prices by 5% tommorow, ridership will fall by greater than 5%. When has that ever happened? Also, population grows every year, so ridership will always increase. Those...
