Recent content by lainpimicaja

  1. L

    MBTA Buses & Infrastructure

    I don't think anyone is saying that enforcement isn't needed (the TransitMatter post stresses that it is). Cities and the T haven't had the power to do automated / camera-based enforcement like New York, DC, Philly, Chicago, LA, SF, etc. have until January. That's the part that makes the Mayor's...
  2. L

    MBTA "Transformation" (Green Line, Red Line, & Orange Line Transformation Projects)

    I agree and don’t think we can give her enough credit given how dire the problem was when she took office. Really goes to show that having somebody with deep operational expertise in the public sector really was what the MBTA needed instead of the parade of private sector clowns Baker appointed...
  3. L

    Biking the Boston 'Burbs (Trails, MDC, & Towns beyond Hubway area)

    Maybe beyond the scope of this forum but Western Mass developments deserve the spotlight: $17.3m awarded for planning, design and permitting of a 9-mile extension of the Ashuwillticook Trail up to North Adams and Williamstown. Great way to stitch the Berkshires and some lovely communities...
  4. L

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    Similar to what London is doing now with the expanded ULEZ cordon that encompasses much more of the city, eventually for Metro Boston (strong emphasis on eventually - acknowledging this would likely happen in phases if at all), I think the best thing would be to have a multi-tiered cordon - like...
  5. L

    Roads and Highways General Development Thread

    Today is finally the day that congestion pricing starts in New York. Hopefully it can get some positive results (fewer car trips into CBD, improved air quality, less noise pollution, revenue for transit, etc.), which will encourage other US cities to follow suit, including Boston...
  6. L

    Police Details, Cameras, & Enforcement Methods

    Pretty sure the Governor has ten days from it being passed by the Legislature, so there should still be hope.
  7. L

    Police Details, Cameras, & Enforcement Methods

    Some helpful additional information included in this SB Mass article:
  8. L

    Jamaica Plain Infill and Small Developments

    I think this is in Grove Hall instead of JP.
  9. L

    Police Details, Cameras, & Enforcement Methods

    In a last-minute, end of session flurry of bills, it looks like we're gonna get automated enforcement after all. S.2884 passed yesterday and is headed to the Governor's desk now. Excerpt from this WBUR article below:
  10. L

    MBTA Buses & Infrastructure

    Phase 1 of Bus Network Redesign launched today. Got to ride the new 109 from Everett through to Harvard. Seemed like there was some confusion at Sullivan with the bus berths getting switched around but they had MBTA staff out there directing folks. Was surprised so many riders stayed on the bus...
  11. L

    Regional Rail (RUR) & North-South Rail Link (NSRL)

    Yeah, I read this and thought "well, it sounds like Lynch isn't cut out for being in Congress anymore if he can't fight for major projects in his district." So much for seniority in Congress equaling clout.
  12. L

    MBTA Buses & Infrastructure

    Looks like there's been some updates on the Blue Hill Ave project, including this rendering video: The open houses start tomorrow night - if you like this, show up and speak out cause you know the haters will be in full force! Here are the dates: November 19, 2024, 5:30 PM Open House | Blue...
  13. L

    Biking in Boston

    I did not but has this right-up; sounds like the main changes are re-shuffling the lane assignments and including signal separation to mitigate conflicts with cyclists and drivers. That's according to Boston's traffic planner, but I'm assuming they'll try to do it on both sides of the...
  14. L

    Biking in Boston

    Def re: Morton St. MassDOT should be getting hell for not having a sidewalk along it for a good portion between Harvard St and Arborway. Completely unacceptable for a major road in a city.
  15. L

    Biking in Boston

    And there seems to be some behind-the-scenes reasons for that gap in Mattapan Square in the northbound direction. This start to the bike lane south of Babson is angled such that it might be connecting through the parcel at 1590 Blue Hill Ave (which happens to be under review for redevelopment -...
