I drive this stretch of Boylston a couple of times a week, often between 5:30 and 6:00 pm. The single biggest thing that would help this beleaguered street would be for BTD to a have a dedicated force towing every single double parked car in front of the restaurants. That would alleviate the...
Having designed sidewalks for a number of municipalities, I know that a bunch have plows and/or skid steer mounted snow blowers to clear sidewalks along major routes that children use to walk to schools. Even though ADA and AAB regulations cite a minimum of 3'-0" clear width from obstructions...
FYI, for MassDOT reviewed projects that involve potential signalized intersections, the state often requires a roundabout alternative analysis. There pros and cons to be weighed in doing so. Limiting factors typically include available real estate (right-of-way), site grading and...
FWIW, MassDOT pavement design is based on equivalent single axle loads (ESALs), where all projected vehicle traffic (cars and trucks) for a particular roadway is normalized so as to account for the impact on a pavement surface over a particular lifespan.
Like the vast majority of roadway issues here, it's the work of the freeze/thaw cycle. Utility structures such as manholes and catch basins are these large, monolithic concrete units that don't necessarily have the same density of the surrounding gravel materials. They settle and move...
No, they aren't.
But as someone who deals with installation of utility castings for a living, riser rings are far from ideal. They aren't nearly as stable as the cast iron frames they get installed on, they don't necessarily fit the covers the same way (resulting in rocking or lose fits) and...
Standing at Sullivan on the inbound platform and there’s two CR coaches parked on track 21 (IIRC). I’ve never seen MBTA equipment parked there ever since I’ve been coming to this station.
Anyone know what gives?
Apologies for the poor photography skills, but managed to grab a couple of shots last weekend of the demolition of the Georgetown Branch and track 1 of the Western Route over South Elm Street in Haverhill, just upstream from the Bradford Station.
I'm currently overseeing the reconstruction of...
Given the relative proximity of AUS to San Antonio, I can see why B6 is pulling out of it. But at the same time, it's the inverse of what they are doing at MHT and BOS.
This is a huge boost for MHT, regardless. I see it as a way for JetBlue to boost their footprint in the region without having...
I'm currently overseeing the reconstruction of South Elm Street on either side of this bridge (with utility replacements under it as well) as part of a MassWorks grant for the City of Haverhill that was spurred by the new mixed use development being constructed on Railroad Avenue (just to the...
My guess is that these are morning and/or early afternoon departures that a would crowd Terminal A and are taking advantage of relative downtime at Terminal E before all the afternoon international flights depart.
I went to school for 9 years in Swampscott. Every field trip we took went down the Lynnway past the West Lynn Creamery plant. The WLC milk and OJ cartons were ubiquitous. I think I still have plastic milk crates in my house from there.
Anyone with an institutional knowledge of the area will...