Monday 3/10. Looks like it'll be opening soon. The park/landscaping is still underway. According to loopnet this building is nearly 100% vacant and available for leasing - yikes.
Found some additional photos from Welch's FB page - definitely moving ahead via source:
Also for the record BPDA lists this as under construction on their site as well.
There's also the skyscraperpage database for Boston - I've been working on getting it up to date for a couple years now and it's 100% complete with all Boston + suburban proposals:
PNF was filed on August 6. Total height is 302'! Additional view/elevation below via:
The new road is an enabling project for the proposed 28 storey residential tower. Any guesses on when (or even if) that project will get started?
A thread for this project already exists under the address "222 Friend Street"
Here's a link to the BPDA submission:
No photos but according to bldup they got their permits in place back in the fall so construction would make sense. Also found a ground level rendering via NBC: