Recent content by obvious_bicycle

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    Somerville Infill and Small Developments

    APPROVED 53 Chester Street in Davis Sq — 3 three bedroom units + ground floor commercial
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    The Verge | 16-20 Medford Street | Somerville

    Crane and steel on site with the concrete core rising this week
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    Somerville Infill and Small Developments

    Some activity off the community path near Magoun Square T stop 13 Warwick St (30 Units) 2 Alpine Street (26 Units)
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    Graduate Junction (MIT West Campus) | 269-301 Vassar St | Cambridge

    MIT sent this out today, suggesting they are expecting occupancy by August
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    Lyra (née The Huntington) | 252/258/264 Huntington Avenue | Fenway

    No picture, but a ton of activity on the site this week. Looks like maybe the slurry wall starting to go in.
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    Somernova | Dane Street | Spring Hill | Somerville

    I get that it is often required for financing a development like this, but 1200+ parking spaces is so. much. parking. Maybe it could help spur an extension to the green line to porter.
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    Alexandra Hotel Renovation | 1769 Washington St | Roxbury

    Could someone explain how an approved project like this falls through? I find it mind boggling that at today's prices you couldn't more or less make the math work out for any residential project in downtown Boston.
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    Madison Tropical Parcel 10 (Building B) | 2085 Washington st | Roxbury

    NIMBY neighbors Tropical Foods aren't too happy about all their new customers
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    Medford, MA Infill and Small Developments

    Beautiful! Wish there were 50 more of these going up in Medford and Somerville
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    Somerville Infill and Small Developments

    Potential for some much needed density adjacent to the Gilman Sq GLX T stop
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    Roxbury Infill and Small Developments

    "This is a private development but it relies on assistance programs to begin construction" That IS the reason why the project should have more density. Put more market rate housing in to subsidize the below market rate housing. By limiting the density you are forcing financial assistance to make...
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    Roxbury Infill and Small Developments

    Love seeing quality infill, but this should really be taller/more dense. Also why put a small, unusable park next to two major thoroughfares? Either put the space behind the building where people could have a conversation without being drowned out by the sound of traffic or use the space to...
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    Ragon Institute | 624 Main Street | Kendall Square

    Exterior beginning to go up today
