Recent content by palindrome

  1. palindrome

    Allston-Brighton Infill and Small Developments

    I think looks silly but I also like this it adds quirkiness and uniqueness to this stretch instead of the generic 5 overs that are built every other block now.
  2. palindrome

    Attleboro Developments

    That’s awesome. If I was a billionaire stuff like this would be my hobby.
  3. palindrome

    Attleboro Developments

    Proposal for 847 east Washington st. In North Attleboro. Currently a vacant 1 story army navy story. The previous owner tried to burn the place down last year and now it’s a trump store..
  4. palindrome

    Jane Jacobs Lecture: Secretary Ed Augustus 10/2/24
  5. palindrome

    Brockton Developments

    Looks good hope it pans out!
  6. palindrome

    Framingham Developments

    That cannot be an official project rendering there’s no way 😂😂
  7. palindrome

    Boston College Master Plan

    They were discussing demolishing McElroy at least 15 years ago.
  8. palindrome

    Braintree infill and small developments

    “ The $140 million complex ZOM proposed this week has 200 fewer units than the original plans, which envisioned 500 units spread across two five-story buildings. This proposal envisions one four-story building with more green space and a tall landscaped berm to shield it from the nearby...
  9. palindrome

    Downtown Plainville

    Not downtown but Plainville. New Marketbasket coming to rt1.
  10. palindrome

    Park 151 | 151 N First Street | Cambridge Crossing | East Cambridge

    All these pics the building still Looks like a rendering 😂
  11. palindrome

    Norwood infill and small developments

    We did hear about it… Norwood hospital construction on pause as vendors await payments from Steward
  12. palindrome

    Downtown Plainville

    I was hopeful when I read the sun yesterday, but a little underwhelmed after seeing the result. Still—credit to Jeff for an unlikely story and building off that vision.
