PercyL's latest activity

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    PercyL reacted to #bancars's post in the thread "Dirty Old Boston" with Like Like.
    I've seen so many photos of the West End leveled but photos of the New York streets and Scollay Square seem to be circulated less...
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    PercyL reacted to DZH22's post in the thread "Dirty Old Boston" with Like Like.
    South End 1958. Destroyed area of New York streets, laying foundation for the Boston Herald's printing presses and now the site of the...
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    PercyL reacted to ritchiew's post in the thread "Dirty Old Boston" with Like Like.
    If you're referring to this tank, then no, it's not the molasses tank. That's a gas holder. (I had no idea there used to be one there.)...
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    PercyL reacted to Poolio's post in the thread "Dirty Old Boston" with Like Like.
    I think the building at distant right in this photo is the Fiske Building, not the the old post office. If we zoom in on this I think...
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    PercyL replied to the thread "Dirty Old Boston".
    That is looking south over Haymarket Square, towards the Flour & Grain Exchange at distant left and the old Post Office at distant...
