Recent content by Tom Nevers

  1. T

    Parcel 5

    Very excited to learn that Design Center Partners was selected to develop parcel 5. Really hope this one comes to fruition.
  2. T

    General Portland Discussion

    This would ring truer to me if going to a concert or other late night event didn’t require booking a hotel because trains and buses from Boston to Maine don’t operate past 11:30 PM. Heading southbound, the late night options are even worse. TC, you’ve raved about Swiss trains in previous posts...
  3. T

    Brunswick Development

    Another 96 units housed in 4 buildings are proposed at the old airbase. The developers have reoriented one building already to create more of a street wall and I’m hoping that they’ll accommodate requests to reorient another. Having the bulk of Building 1 front on Neptune would be an...
  4. T

    Biddeford/Saco Developments

    Continued progress on this project. Took these photos on the southbound train this AM.
  5. T

    Dover, NH Development thread

    Snapped these while on the southbound train this AM. I think this is near Grove and Third.
  6. T

    Heading to Vegas!

    I was on the ground level which, from videos I’ve seen, appears to have a more immersive feel than balcony seats. When images on screen moved away from the audience rather than toward is when the room started to spin for me. That said, had I not caught the last day this artist was performing, I...
  7. T

    Heading to Vegas!

    I didn’t make it that far north but saw the type in my one other visit to a casino. That was in Detroit a little over a decade ago. Not a spot I’ve considered revisiting.
  8. T

    Heading to Vegas!

    Flew to Vegas for the weekend to catch Anyma’s last show at the Sphere. Awesome performance in a truly unique and well run venue. Highly recommend watching some of the clips available online as they made great use of the video component. These aren’t my videos but were some of my favorite scenes...
  9. T

    Canal Plaza Renovations & New Mixed-Use Tower | Portland

    I like it. Speaks to the direction we should be moving in.
  10. T

    Kennebec Block

    Exciting stuff! Would be cool if the woonerf planned as part of this project could connect to the shared street proposed in what I believe we’re referring to as the 196 Lancaster project.
  11. T

    Westbrook, ME

    That much housing deserves some ground level commercial space.
  12. T

    Parcel 5

    Couldn’t agree more, the Design Center Partners proposal is my favorite. Unique and pleasing design paired with an interior pedestrian street. Very cool!
  13. T

    Dover, NH Development thread

    Snapped this picture while in Dover today.
  14. T

    Portland, ME - New Construction Continued

    Building E is well underway. I didn’t see any indication construction has begun on the other buildings.
  15. T

    Brunswick Development

    The apartment buildings described in post 86 are going up fast.
