The Parker Boston (nee LaGrange Tower) | 47-55 LaGrange St. | Downtown

I'm pretty curious what the prices in this building will be like... of all the luxury condo builds, other than being centrally located, this is a pretty weak overall building... bad/obstructed views except over The Common, and even those are only reserved for the top 6 floors or so.

While your point about the lower floors is still fair, I've seen the top of this building from some pretty surprising angles and think the views are going to be pretty amazing. I was impressed by how much was visible from Memorial Drive over by MIT, and this shot is from Stuart and Berkeley looking straight down the grid:
For such a short building, the bottom floors will have darkened cave levels of natural light and neighboring buildings 20 feet from their windows, meanwhile the top floors will have sweeping views of the park, maybe a little Charles River, and definitely some nice sunsets.
This one peeks out from Chinatown/S Station area now, too. It's a great addition
Simultaneously in the middle of everything while also dark and quiet?

Plus the MBTA is about to open up the orange line entrance that will be right down stairs. And who wouldn't want to be in walking distance to Peach Farm or Golden Gate for those 3am... errr... cravings.
The lower floors actually get a surprising amount of light. South facing windows + some low buildings nearby. It looks very nice in person.
