Wentworth Institute of Technology | Institutional masterplan

stick n move

Oct 14, 2009
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So the other Fenway thread didnt really make sense to post this latest update.

Wentworth unveils plan for 1,400 new Boston dorm beds, academic space​


“Wentworth Institute of Technology is planning ambitious campus growth over the next decade, with new buildings shaded. Huntington Avenue runs horizontally in the foreground of the image, which looks south.

Wentworth Institute of Technology said Wednesday it plans to add roughly 1,400 dorm beds and new academic buildings to its Boston campus in the next decade.”


At 572-574 huntington ave there is a proposed 23 story residential tower that showed up in the recently posted institutional masterplan.



Theres a few more interesting things in there too like a new west quad academic building, new quad, an open space called the grove, and more.


Goodbye Edwards and Rogers!

Also, looks like they finally have plans to kill off Baker, too.
I was wondering what the plan was next to that sports field, the plaza there made so little sense. Sort of bummed about the Annex buildings, not ground breaking in anyway but just solid pre-war, ped-scale backgrounders. Might not be a popular option, but I like colleges that have developed and continued a 'historic' architectural style. Down for modern splashes, but an all modern campus just feels dystopian to me.
I was wondering what the plan was next to that sports field, the plaza there made so little sense. Sort of bummed about the Annex buildings, not ground breaking in anyway but just solid pre-war, ped-scale backgrounders. Might not be a popular option, but I like colleges that have developed and continued a 'historic' architectural style. Down for modern splashes, but an all modern campus just feels dystopian to me.
What's interesting is that this is exactly what WIT was going for with their new dorms over the last 20 years. At some point that has to go out the window when you are talking about a tower.
This is a different (and great) looking Wentworth.

Let's see if they pull it off.
The apple-store massing entrance is more defined now as well:

Doesn't rank highly in my book to be honest.
