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  1. TallIsGood

    2021 Boston Mayoral Race

    Your entire post is just stating what you think I believe and I’m the one not discussing in good faith? Rent control does not increase housing production nor does it lead to increasing quality of housing stock. More demand for housing will increase housing production as we see in Boston. If...
  2. TallIsGood

    2021 Boston Mayoral Race

    You seem very sure of your correctness and my views (which are wrong). Maybe consider listening to people sometimes and not being so aggressive to anyone who has a different belief. There are basic safety standards yes. 🙄 Why would I believe in contracts but defend one side breaking it...
  3. TallIsGood

    2021 Boston Mayoral Race

    The rights of property owners vs tenants is defined in the lease. I don’t need to google the laws. I learned them in law school.
  4. TallIsGood

    2021 Boston Mayoral Race

    The relationship between landlord and tenant is by contract. The only right a tenant has exists under the contract. They have no right to possess a leasehold after expiration of the lease. Rent control is a disease.
  5. TallIsGood

    2021 Boston Mayoral Race

    But the landlord owns the property not the renter. That’s the big difference. Population in Boston (and likely housing construction) has increased since rent control ended. Construction of housing would increase if not for restrictive zoning, community benefits, set asides etc which all raise...
  6. TallIsGood

    Union Square Somerville Infill and Small Developments

    No idea who that is. I don’t drive a Hummer and don’t live in Somerville or Medford.
  7. TallIsGood

    Union Square Somerville Infill and Small Developments

    Ambulances, police, fire, elderly and infirm, workmen, delivery vehicles etc all need gas.
  8. TallIsGood

    Pinnacle at Central Wharf (Harbor Garage) | 70 East India Row | Waterfront | Downtown

    My 25 years as a corporate lawyer at one of the biggest firms in Boston gives me a basis to dispute this. It is absolutely common for multiple tier LLCs to be set up and individuals to have multiple roles both economic and management. Rams Head is the ownership entity but that tells you nothing...
  9. TallIsGood

    Pinnacle at Central Wharf (Harbor Garage) | 70 East India Row | Waterfront | Downtown

    I’m sure an LLC owns it but you have no support for the statement that Prudential owns it and Chiofaro doesn’t. Chiofaro likely has an economic interest and a management interest as is common but unless we see the operating agreements for the multiple tiers of LLCs for this we can’t officially...
  10. TallIsGood

    City Hall Plaza Revamp | Government Center

    At least they are maintaining all the parking on Government Center during construction.
  11. TallIsGood

    I-90 Interchange Improvement Project & West Station | Allston

    Wouldn’t it end at BU Bridge where the Inner Belt was to cross into Cambridge?
  12. TallIsGood

    The New Office/Lab Thread

    This how the Globe stories work. They pick a narrative and only use facts and angles that support it and exclude anything that doesn’t.
  13. TallIsGood

    Evolution of the Prudential Center: 1954-1989

    In Boston a Tufts building was built in 2 stages just like this.
  14. TallIsGood

    Pinnacle at Central Wharf (Harbor Garage) | 70 East India Row | Waterfront | Downtown

    He likely owns a piece of the general partner entity of RHDC which is where he would earn his carried interest. No reason for him to own the garage individually.
  15. TallIsGood

    Flats on First (Kendall East) | 107-139 First Street | East Cambridge | Cambridge

    Boston has been selling off municipal garages as development sites.
  16. TallIsGood

    Boston Fed Tower Photos & Discussion

    Anyone have any renders of when it was proposed as a two tower development?
  17. TallIsGood

    General Boston Discussion

    Summer Street on far left
  18. TallIsGood

    North End Cross Street Boutique Hotel | 42 Cross Street | North End

    But there is demand for hotels which is why people rent apartments and then them into AirBnBs. so the market will find a way around regulation. Restricting supply won’t. I get this might not be a great spot for a hotel but demand is clearly there for hotels.
  19. TallIsGood

    11-21 Bromfield Street | DTX | Downtown

    “We” aren’t. They are with their money. It’s a business risk they think is worth it apparently.
  20. TallIsGood

    ACC/NU Residence Hall | 840 Columbus Ave | Northeastern University

    So governmental policy and regulation, although well intentioned, has a cost and drives up the cost of housing. Also, it artificially limits housing by inflating the cost of some above the marginal profit and reducing height and limiting construction of others. So I agree we need more housing...
