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  1. N

    Proposed watertown ferry

    The Charles is pretty shallow in Watertown. I wonder if there would be a concern about the motor potentially kicking up a lot of mud.
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    Everett Docklands Innovation District | 52 Beacham Street | Everett

    Is anyone talking about preservation of industrial remnants other than on this forum? There have only been a handful of comments here, and the argument against working to preserve the things on these sites is strong. The smokestacks are interesting and prominent, but they are right in the...
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    Everett Docklands Innovation District | 52 Beacham Street | Everett

    Changzou Community Hub Built from Repurposed Oil Tanks
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    Everett Docklands Innovation District | 52 Beacham Street | Everett

    Yes, yes! Renewing and bringing life back to industrialized areas of the city doesn't have to mean plowing everything under. The structural relics of the past are not purposeless when they are used to create unique spaces in developments. A tall smokestack can serve to announce an area from a...
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    Everett Docklands Innovation District | 52 Beacham Street | Everett

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with examining existing infrastructure or anything else on a site to see if there's value in preservation. I doubt there's anything that constitutes a unique or culturally significant presence, but a masterplan that incorporated a tank into some green space...
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    Metropolitan Storage Warehouse Redevelopment/Renovation (MIT) | 134 Mass. Ave | Cambridge

    I'm still trying to figure out those Escheresque windows inside another window.
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    The Ipswich | 2 Charlesgate West | Fenway

    I had to run to the dictionary on this one. In what way does this structure appear "swollen?" Is it the appendages on the lower levels? I'll grant that the structure isn't lean or slender or deflated. I'm at a loss, however, for what "tumescence" would be as a design crutch.
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    Potential Exelon Mystic Station Redevelopment | Everett

    There's nothing wrong with hashing out the value of what's being developed where and what the positive and negative consequences might be. Public input is part of the process. The term NIMBY is usually reserved for people who object to a project just because it is planned to go in their...
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    Cape Cod Rail, Bridges and Highways

    The Sagamore bridge replacement is already in the design phase and the option chosen was a bridge with an arc similar to the existing bridge. I'd say it's too late to make a change since engineering and approvals must be done by 2026 in order to meet the target construction start date of...
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    Potential Exelon Mystic Station Redevelopment | Everett

    I'd like cake, eat it too, and no calories, please, but if that's not possible, of course I'll settle for just cake.
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    Potential Exelon Mystic Station Redevelopment | Everett

    It's unfortunate that the stack is situated right in the middle of the site rather than on the periphery, and if it's a contest between saving the stacks or addressing the environmental issues, the site cleanup wins hands down.
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    Potential Exelon Mystic Station Redevelopment | Everett

    Speaking for myself in the smokestack crowd, I'm not aware that this is an either/or situation or that efforts toward preservation would be a deal killer. In fact, I know very little about this proposal at all. My point is that these structures which connect a city to its past are actually a...
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    Cape Cod Rail, Bridges and Highways

    While it is certainly more aesthetically pleasing, the suicide fencing on the existing bridge looks like a more effective barrier than depicted on this render.
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    Potential Exelon Mystic Station Redevelopment | Everett

    Still, one would hope that some remnants of the industrial character of the area could be preserved. Unless people speak up and make it known what's important to them, development will take the easiest way, which often results in structures which have no connection to the historical place they...
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    585 Kendall | 585 Third Street | Kendall Square

    How do they remove those braces going right through the core? Are they collapsible like a telescope?
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    Everett Docklands Innovation District | 52 Beacham Street | Everett

    The lead batteries have significant fire problems of their own I hear. Right now, there are sodium-ion batteries being developed as an alternative to the Lithium. Impossible to corner the market on sodium I'd say.
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    Cambridge Crossing (NorthPoint) | East Cambridge/Charlestown | Cambridge/Boston

    Multiple intersections with significant cross streets suggest that there will be a fair amount of pedestrian traffic, certainly enough to warrant these well-designed concrete walkways channeled through green living space with what appears to be a bike stand. Judging by the height of...
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    North Washington St Bridge

    It seems the next logical priority to benefit fish that migrate up the Charles is the removal of the Watertown dam. It has a small fish ladder there which is grossly inadequate and located at the wrong end of the dam requiring fish to leave the deeper channel to cross the shallows where most...
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    North Washington St Bridge

    After reading this excellent explanation of the benefits of removing obsolete dams, I was hoping that some of those upstream along the Charles and tributaries would be on a schedule for demolition. If a dam no longer serves a purpose for humans and continues to harm the river ecosystem, it...
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    North Washington St Bridge

    Point taken on the age of the design. I had some time today to do a little research, and a successful fishway built to accommodate the passage of fish around a dam will permit 70 to 80 percent of the upstream bound fish to pass through. What surprised me about this particular fish kill was...
