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  1. M

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos You are wrong and need to check facts. CNG buses get less than 2 MPG while diesel get about 4.7mpg. CNG bus refueling is slow and needs to be done more frequently, so too much service time is lost for long or frequent routes. The MBTA made much press...
  2. M

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos Thanks for the info on express rail. This weekend I stumbled upon a document while doing a search: Starting about 30% through are MBTA stats. Mean Miles Between Failures look OK for...
  3. M

    Biking in Boston

    metasyntactic, a bicyclist is to get the law changed to what Idaho uses. Stop signs become yield, Red lights become stop signs for cyclists. Otherwise, flagrant, habitual lawlessness becomes contagious, social order breaks down, and motorists are encouraged to break the law more too. The most...
  4. M

    Biking in Boston

    Choo, first you claim Alta has had many failures, then quick to adoption. The measure of adoption, trips is a false one avoided on the Internet where unique users per day is far more accurate. Plain WGETs is not accurate enough for billing advertising. If you paid $75, you lost out on one of...
  5. M

    Biking in Boston

    How do you judge hubway a great success? Taking away business from public transit? An operating profit like the Mass Pike, airlines, cabs, private bus and boat companies? Where are operating numbers for bike shares in various cities, including Boston? How can they break even when 99% of annual...
  6. M

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos When assessing cities and towns by service provided, I left out parking facilities. License plate studies at parking facilities like Alewife have been done and can be done most places. The cities and towns being served by the parking can be billed. Its...
  7. M

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos Two reactions: 1. Agreement. With much parking at stations beyond Community College, many riders are inconvenienced by that stop. During heavy commuting hours with more frequent trains, some trains should be designated expresses, skipping low...
  8. M

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos Investment performance standards need to be similar for public dollars. A bridge to nowhere is as wasteful as the same sum on a subway stop with similar usage and cost. I-495 brought great development, the Big Dig, not so much. New T stations at...
  9. M

    What would you do to get the T out of its financial mess?

    Where do you get the idea I'm against public transit. I favor public transit and maximizing use of funding to serve the most riders. The GLX was court imposed and not a decision based on how money best serves riders across the system. Riders served already have bus transportation, so no service...
  10. M

    MBTA Construction Projects

    Re: T construction news What I don't see in posts here about state vs fed funding is that road user fees are collected by both states and the fed governments - in the form of gasoline taxes. One pays in proportion to how far one goes, diesel users pay more because they are mostly trucks which...
  11. M

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos What is the lesson to be learned from the existing subway stops which have not stimulated growth? I'm thinking some blue line and orange line stops. Lets fix those places and use the lessons when picking areas for expansion.
  12. M

    What would you do to get the T out of its financial mess?

    Nice to see that you lack rational responses and have to resort to personal attacks. Incurring a huge capitol debt with GLX to expand operational losses defies reason.
  13. M

    Biking in Boston

    Bike Share in Cambridge How does the bike share plan in Cambridge have any chance of success at all? All of the bike stations will be at subway spots. Where will riders go? Another subway station, which they could have just used the T for? Is the plan to decrease T ridership? If I want to go to...
  14. M

    Biking in Boston

    43 images, 0 bicyclists. Exactly the problem - too much space dedicated to too few users. Its as impractical as widening sidewalks which are not congested with travelers, or streets which are not congested with travelers or parking. Proportion the supply with the demand.
  15. M

    Wonderland/Revere Beach Improvments

    I missed the parts about upgrades to Rt 1A and Rt 16 to stimulate economic development, business, and tourism. How are the cars going to get to the $53M parking garage? BTW, I look forward to great views from the top of the garage, like those at Logan!
  16. M

    What would you do to get the T out of its financial mess?

    What is most missing from the MBTA is having beneficiaries pay for services. The major beneficiaries of the GLX replacing existing bus service are developers, land owners, and speculators. The losers are taxpayers and the poor who will get priced out as areas gentrify. Take the sound barriers...
