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  1. R

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    If anything, it'll help add to the case made to GLX or local politicians to get more info as to what's happening.
  2. R

    MBTA Buses & Infrastructure

    I guess Somerville was lumped in with Charlestown because of Sullivan but it seems more natural to group it with Cambridge, Thats a huge number of comments from those two towns. I'm happier anyway!
  3. R

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    sound rational reasoning <expects the week to pass with no notification>
  4. R

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    who's going all the way up there to take a photo through a chain link fence (bar a few on here :) )? The photo is either of 93 and MBTA yards or East Cambridge. I actually think, if the re working of McGrath is any good, one of the busiest commuter routes could be out of the city on Mcgrath and...
  5. R

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    i Just can’t get my head around building a flawed amenity, knowing full well it’s flawed. I think from wallnut to CX it might work ok because no one will use it for recreation but I think walnut to the existing path will actually be dangerous. I’ll prob stick to bone shaking highland.
  6. R

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    From twitter. I think the path is going to be an unusable mess
  7. R

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    Also, I hope they're ready for the public backlash at the community path especially as the main entrance to Gilman sq.
  8. R

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    yea, the removal of the site webcams was a clear sign that there was going to be no transparency when it came to this project.
  9. R

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    yea, I saw a few test trains in the days after the GLX and OL reopened in late September but I haven't seen any in about a month. They do seem to be steadily making progress with the stations and community path. There was fairly regular testing in the month before the shutdown so I wonder if...
  10. R

    Davis Square Lab | 231-249 Elm Street and Grove Street | Somerville

    I'm not really arguing the toss between lab and office. I just think there's an opportunity here to build some nice town houses, some with store fronts on the ground floor and use them to hide some commercial interest in the space behind. It's not that difficult to create a nice street with lots...
  11. R

    Davis Square Lab | 231-249 Elm Street and Grove Street | Somerville

    got a bad feeling that tax greed from the city could wreck both Davis and Union. There's a whole inner belt/McGrath/boynton yards/Assembly to fill full of lab space, why in the name of christ would you put a lab in the middle fo davis. Just put a nice mix of residential and commercial, even a...
  12. R

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    Has anyone seen any test trains recently? Haven’t seen any in weeks.
  13. R

    New England independence

    Interesting post. If it ever were to happen, I think Brexit is a really good road map for what not to do. It might be possible to remain part of the US trading block and use the Dollar while keeping open borders. Basically New England becomes the equivalent of a Euro using EU member state...
  14. R

    Somerville Infill and Small Developments

    Do they come with a free off road vehicle to deal with that section of highland?
  15. R

    Cambridge Crossing (NorthPoint) | East Cambridge/Charlestown | Cambridge/Boston

    please keep posting Ivy. I think this is a very good development. My wife works there and we live in east Somerville, cant wait till the community path opens. I'm not sure what people expected but compared to what was there 10 years ago, this is great! All you have to do is go to one of those...
  16. R

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    School st. being paved today
  17. R

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    They've just installed one of these under the Washington st. bridge, on the north side, away from the East somerville station.
  18. R

    MBTA "Transformation" (Green Line, Red Line, & Orange Line Transformation Projects)

    Yea, I just had the idea that it's so egregious at this stage, and there is so little clammer for anyone to be held accountable, that I must have missed something.
  19. R

    MBTA "Transformation" (Green Line, Red Line, & Orange Line Transformation Projects)

    Serious question. Has anyone in management at the T lost their job from the fire over the Mystic till now? They asked for a lot of patients and understanding from the public over the last 6 weeks and they don't seem to be bothered at all about repaying that good will.
  20. R

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    Maybe they're going for irony through out the extension. Pay for graffiti here and pay to have it removed everywhere else. In Gillman pay for a huge lighting installation but don't light the community path fully. In Lechmere put images of vegetation on the glass head houses but don't plant any...
