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  1. R

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    It's not. Like I said, the CR seems to be running fine, same project. Did they use inferior tracks on one side and good ones on the other? Seems to me like box ticking bureaucracy gone mad. So and so wont sign off on x till y and z happens but y and z need to convene sub committees and need to...
  2. R

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    weird watching the E line slow to an absolute crawl to cross the Washington st. Bridge. What was even weirder was watching the heavier, bigger, older diesel commuter rail train go across the same bridge in the opposite direction at normal speed. Both new tracks, laid at roughly the same time...
  3. R

    Cambridge Crossing (NorthPoint) | East Cambridge/Charlestown | Cambridge/Boston

    I mean it's a fairly bland ugly building but I dont really have a problem with the height. Seems pretty clear they don't want to cast shadows over the park. Also the height seems to be increasing from west to east.
  4. R

    SAV-MOR Site Lab Building | 15 McGrath Highway | Somerville

    here's a pet peeve. I cant un see it. There's advertising for the development on the site fencing and they're dubbing it 'The axis of something and something', maybe 'innovation' and 'community'. Either way, is it just me or is that terrible English, especially for a science lab? Maybe the...
  5. R

    Somerville Infill and Small Developments

    all those black vents (dryer vents?) look weird. Why black? at a glance they look like anchors for balconies that never got placed. Strange choice.
  6. R

    441 Morgan Ave | Lot U | Cambridge Crossing | Cambridge

    so in 2010, the Boston population was 617K... cool :)
  7. R

    441 Morgan Ave | Lot U | Cambridge Crossing | Cambridge

    ok, maybe there was a touch of hyperbole when I suggested that no one would build any residential, I would have thought that was obvious tongue n' cheek. I'm also not proposing that cities should ignore residential. I'm just pointing out, that in the post covid age of working from home, lab...
  8. R

    441 Morgan Ave | Lot U | Cambridge Crossing | Cambridge

    yea, I tend to take this view. In the work from home era, Lab space is really the only major thing drawing people in to work in the urban core. If/when the lab bubble bursts, they're not going to start constructing tonnes of new residential in it's place. They're not going to construct new...
  9. R

    Somerville Infill and Small Developments

    a matte finished Ferrari. why would you do that??! :)
  10. R

    Gateway Innovation Center | 200 McGrath Highway | Somerville

    Yeah, I'm torn. It's a mess but I live right beside it and I'm happy for the traffic to pass 20 feet up and not at street level. I don't really want a ton more traffic idling at red lights while, as a pedestrian I have to navigate more lanes of traffic to get from East to Union. Aesthetically...
  11. R

    Union Square Somerville Infill and Small Developments

    It's better than another bank. It'll create foot traffic. There's no parking out front. I doubt it'll have fogged glass, I think these places usually have a kind of lobby area, they'll be doing their best to increase curb appeal. It's a huge upgrade on the liquor store or subway that was there...
  12. R

    Blue Line extension to Lynn

    Outsourcing, man, it's a huge problem. Institutions think they're streamlining their processes but really they're just burying tons of bureaucracy because no one wants to deal with it. Everything gets gummed up!
  13. R

    Hood Business Park | 480-570 Rutherford Avenue | Charlestown

    Looks like the development on inner belt road opposite the holiday inn in Somerville.
  14. R

    Cambridge Crossing (NorthPoint) | East Cambridge/Charlestown | Cambridge/Boston

    love the typo and correction in this!
  15. R

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    Yea, I biked down to REI on Saturday. There were two cars parked in the bike lane, some traffic cones randomly standing around. Wasn't a big deal but it does seem like they were caught off guard re. the opening. Understandable given the short notice. The medford street detour is confusing at the...
  16. R

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    took the family for a bike ride along the new path yesterday! It's great. Obviously it was very busy but still, seemed like an excellent facility. I feared it would be too narrow but it seemed fine. The re route around the back of the high school seemed a bit messy but not the worst. I think I'm...
  17. R

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    I think Mike Connolly has been very good, he's about the only one who comes out of this mess with any credit. Wait till it gets handed over to the city who say they have to close it for 8 weeks to install extra lights.
  18. R

    Cambridge Crossing (NorthPoint) | East Cambridge/Charlestown | Cambridge/Boston

    yea, seems weird alright, I wonder if there were objections to putting it on a darker solid color background, from an overall aesthetic point of view?
  19. R

    Somerville High School Renovation & Expansion | 81 Highland Ave | Somerville

    no, not at all. I look at that building and I can see patterns in the window layout. It's not totally random. It wouldn't bother me if it was, It'd likely cost a fortune to build, but it's not. There's a pattern, or an order to it. If you lay those windows out in a grid format. It would look...
