Search results

  1. TheRatmeister

    MBTA Construction Projects

    "hey maybe we should say something about trees" is not nearly as effective for community organizing. You're right that there's a tense relationship building, so the best path forward for the MBTA is to: Listen to community input at the upcoming meeting Actually take the feedback into account...
  2. TheRatmeister

    Massachusetts Turnpike/I-90 (Current Projects, Conceptual Improvements, & Long Term)

    I didn't use the Pike much, but between ~2021-2023 when I was last driving in MA (Mostly on Rt 2 or 495) I don't remember seeing basically any staties doing speed enforcement on highways, maybe a single digit number of times at most over 2-3 years.
  3. TheRatmeister

    Green Line Type 10 Procurement

    Or should you wish to have your very own Red Line sheets, pilllows, curtains, or wallpaper. (I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted)
  4. TheRatmeister

    MBTA Construction Projects

    I know, so yes they are legally in the right, but if following Cambridge's laws as well wouldn't make the project prohibitively expensive then it would be good to do so to keep everyone happy. Pushing and shoving your way through projects is a great way to make every successive project more and...
  5. TheRatmeister

    MBTA Construction Projects

    These are valid concerns and I'm curious how they will be dealt with. Tree removal is just about the worst thing you can do for urban temperature, and obviously digging up a bunch of soil contaminated with asbestos in an urban area is not great. But these are both solvable problems and if this...
  6. TheRatmeister

    MBTA Construction Projects

    Presumably the access road will be ungated and any gate/security will be at the tunnel portal.
  7. TheRatmeister

    Green Line Type 10 Procurement

    Sure but it opened up amazing fashion opportunities
  8. TheRatmeister

    Seaport Transportation

    Given the large cost of such a viaduct it doesn't really save much time compared to using Channel St or Harbor St. The big advantage of low-floor light rail is flexibility and its ability to run on street medians or at-grade transitways, so play to the strengths of the mode. The UR should...
  9. TheRatmeister

    Red Line Extension to Arlington Heights

    Arlington is about 4x as dense as Milton. Understatement of the century. Rt 2 completely bypasses the centers of Arlington, Belmont, and Lexington, essentially eliminating the possibility of significant walk-up traffic. Any ridership would need to be from highway adjacent TOD, and people...
  10. TheRatmeister

    Biking in Boston

    Agreed, DCR has no business managing roads (outside of state parks, obviously. Minor roads should be the responsibility of the city/town, major ones should belong to MassDOT, and I would actually argue that Comm Ave, Beacon St, Huntington Ave, Columbus Ave, and Blue Hill Ave should be entirely...
  11. TheRatmeister

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    Yes, at least in service
  12. TheRatmeister

    If you designed a metro/subway for Worcester, MA how would it look?

    If you had to narrow it down, what are the key residential areas of Worcester that are also relatively dense? I'm not particularly familiar with the area to be honest.
  13. TheRatmeister

    Idea for fixing the housing shortage

    To an extent it's the general problems that come from rent control. Trying to suppress prices ends up suppressing supply and then inflating prices in return. The one form that I believe (mostly) works is combining strong tenant protections with limits on rent increases to be mostly in line with...
  14. TheRatmeister

    If you designed transport for Providence what would it look like?

    Since the Worcester one got a little sidetracked
  15. TheRatmeister

    If you designed a metro/subway for Worcester, MA how would it look?

    If I ever go back and make this a mildly more serious proposal then I'll be sure to change that. But I'm mostly just spitballing for now so I don't actually care that much.
  16. TheRatmeister

    If you designed a metro/subway for Worcester, MA how would it look?

    Here's my quick try at both a god-mode subway and a more modest stadtbahn system. I'd actually consider the stadtbahn version fairly reasonable. Build with street-running now, build tunnels and eliminate grade-crossings over time and eventually end up with a full metro. A starter line might be...
  17. TheRatmeister

    Metro photos from around the world

    I took so many pictures in Stockholm, here are just some:
  18. TheRatmeister

    If you designed a metro/subway for Worcester, MA how would it look?

    Step 0 that I haven't see in this thread yet is to identify key nodes. So here's my starting list: Downtown (duh) but specifically Union Station, St Vincent Hospital, and Main St between roughly City Hall and the Palladium Universities: WPI, Clark, Worcester State, and Holy Cross Polar Park...
  19. TheRatmeister

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    The T can't dispatch for shit, essentially.
  20. TheRatmeister

    MBTA Construction Projects

    Given that track, power, and signal repairs and upgrades have $3.6 billion unfunded, yeah I think that's a safe bet.
