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  1. C

    Beverly Infill/Small Developments

    Of course, Beverly is now trying to undo the zoning that allowed 5 stories and all the apartments here.
  2. C

    East Boston Infill and Small Developments

    There's some of thes There's some of these in Cambridgeport + Area IV in Cambridge, too. Seems like it's one of the oldest existing mass housing types around? There's also a lot of them in Brooklyn, though usually hidden through vinyl siding.
  3. C

    Population & Economic Growth

    The census projections were terrible when compared to the actuals in 2020 for most old, large cities esp in the Northeast. I wouldn't trust them as they've been claiming declines since 2018 and we know the first couple years of that at least didn't happen
  4. C

    Domino Sugar Redevelopment | 425 Medford Street | Charlestown Waterfront

    Pro: leveraging the already surprisingly parks on the mystic Con: Blase shrinking residential buildings yet again.
  5. C

    16-Story Apartment Tower | 76 Ashford Street | Allston

    The open grassy field fetishists are going to give us a lot of vacant lots to avoid exactly that ^
  6. C

    East Boston Infill and Small Developments

    Barraza comes from the school of architects that believes nothing should be built unless she personally approves of it.
  7. C

    East Boston Infill and Small Developments

    Hansy Better Barraza is an enormous NIMBY and taking up Araujo's torch proudly it seems.
  8. C

    The New Retail Thread

    Yes and no --- the Icon in the Seaport did well before COVID.
  9. C

    South End Infill and Small Developments

    Oh weird, now it just omits the past ~4 years of development.
  10. C

    South End Infill and Small Developments

    Absolutely bizarre rendering. The C Mart parcel has an approved set of developments for it, too.
  11. C

    Block G | 120 Seaport blvd | Seaport sq

    There's parks all along the waterfront! Putting in more large grassy fields does not equal parkland and at some point we need actual utilization of space. Let's not fetishize parks, but instead build great ones. I guess I find this entire conversation bizarre: the BPDA and developers have gone...
  12. C

    Block G | 120 Seaport blvd | Seaport sq

    Yes, Boston, where the sun is in the Northern sky so often. And seriously, if one great wide lane of park is not enough and you need diagonals too, why let anything get built, they'll always crimp out your view.
  13. C

    Jamaica Plain Infill and Small Developments

    Don't worry, this thing is miles away from pencilling
  14. C

    Kendall Common ( née Volpe Redevelopment) | Kendall Sq | Cambridge

    Only the 5th time they've redesigned this intersection in the past decade?
  15. C

    Kendall Common ( née Volpe Redevelopment) | Kendall Sq | Cambridge

    This is fair, but one might wonder if that space could instead be used for staging or other purposes instead of "parks" while the whole complex is built out.
  16. C

    Kendall Common ( née Volpe Redevelopment) | Kendall Sq | Cambridge

    Not only does Cambridge require a surplus of too small, underprovisioned "parks" next to busy roads, they want them built first. Who do they actually think is going ot use "Community Park" and "Sixth st Park South" next to massive construction sites?
  17. C

    Gateway Innovation Center | 200 McGrath Highway | Somerville

    Couldn't you connect it to East Somerville Station not via target?
  18. C

    Dorchester Bay City (nee Bayside Expo Ctr.) | Columbia Point

    C'mon Karen, sell! Also that Hotel should massively grow pls thx. Very funny to have those two lots close to the T be the not included ones.
  19. C

    Dorchester Bay City (nee Bayside Expo Ctr.) | Columbia Point

    Who owns the two lots between DBC and Mt Vernon St? It'll look real weird adjoining parking lots and small buildings that need redev (ha!). I do hate how they shrunk it a bit and are adding a "pavilion"
  20. C

    South End Infill and Small Developments

    Druker owns it, so it'll be built on one day. The biggest lots are still on Washington and there's some old taxpayers down the blocks towards Union Park. Those'll go before Air Rights.
