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  1. F

    Logan Airport Flights and Airlines Discussion

    On trips to London, I have used AA's or BA's morning flights whenever possible. Would morning flights to other Eurpoean destinations - e.g. Paris, Frankfurt - be feasible? Or does the 6-hour time difference make them impractical?
  2. F

    Fan Pier Developments | Seaport

    Getting back to the topic - Fan Pier. Let's integrate it into the city. "One Marina Park Drive" is a ridiculous address - this is Boston, not Palm Beach. The building is actually on Northern Avenue and should have a Northern Avenue address.
  3. F

    Alphabetical Streets

    In the Town of Hull, there is no I Street. Same reason: when the streets were laid out, I and J were indisinguishable.
  4. F

    Alphabetical Streets

    Fairfield/Gloucester also breaks the 2-syllable-3-syllable progression. (Unless you mispronounce it -- as done by the captain in "The Russians are Coming" -- Glew-kes-ter.
  5. F

    Alphabetical Streets

    That answers my question. Apparently the 1880 planners left a space for the E street. Maybe the portion of West Newton Street from the SW Corridor Park to Huntington Avenue should now be renamed. With the one-way system, it's no longer a through street from the Back Bay to the South End.
  6. F

    Alphabetical Streets

    Everyone knows about the alphabetical streets in the Back Bay, and maybe some people recognize a continuation beyond Charlesgate -- Ipswich, Jersey, Kilmarnock. But there's another set off St. Botolph Street, running eastward: Albemarle, Blackwood, Cumberland, Durham, ..., Follen, Garrison...
  7. F

    Silver Line - Phase III / BRT in Boston

    For better or worse -- really worse -- we're stuck with the trackless trolleys in the Silver Line tunnel, the overbuilt stations and the conversion to diesel at SL Way. I understand that there's some federal regulation that doesn't allow light rail or TTs in the Ted. On the other hand...
  8. F

    Moon Island/ Long Island road

    My wife, native New Yorker, and I were driving in the South End (Harrison Avenue, I think) when we encountered a bus with a "Long Island" sign. I had to explain that our Long Island was not the same as her Lon Gyland.
  9. F

    Why is this a part of Boston?

    I thought that Cohasset was in Norfolk County because it was mostly settled by people from the Bay Colony while Hingham and Hull were settled by people from Plymouth Colony.
  10. F

    Dorchester Infill and Small Developments

    John Costello answered an old question of mine - why are there 2 Adams Streets. Apparently part of Gallivan Blvd was the missing portion of Adams Street, so there's really only one.
  11. F

    Silver Line - Phase III / BRT in Boston

    Understood. My question is whether a portal can be added without having to demolish buildings.
  12. F

    Silver Line - Phase III / BRT in Boston

    My trackless trolley suggestion would provide a one-seat ride and would stop at, or within one block of, at least 6 big hotels. But I wonder if it can really access the South Station silver line loop. Anyone know?
  13. F

    Silver Line - Phase III / BRT in Boston

    One of the unsolved problems is getting from the Back Bay hotels to the Convention Center. You have to take the Green Line to Park Street, then the Red Line to South Station, and then the Silver Line to World Trade Center. Very unlikely that visitors will want to do this and, as a result...
  14. F

    Fall River/New Bedford Commuter Rail (South Coast Rail)

    Re: Fall River/New Bedford Commuter Rail I think that, at it's maximum, South Station had only 26 tracks.
