And it is Bengaluru, not Bangaluru if you want to use the current name. kthxbye
PS My wife, with 10 years driving experience in Delhi tells me she finds Boston traffic scarier than Delhi traffic because in India you know that no one will follow any rules ever whereas here sometimes people...
I don't visit DTX all that often, no, but it seemed to me that the scaffolding went up, the B&N sign came down, and then nothing. Others have made the same comment in this thread too. Last week was the first time I observed anything happening.
The original plan had a super tall interchange:
The one above was intended to shrink the height of the ramps down to something more manageable. I've found a couple of other alternatives that were supposedly under study:
EDIT: The Internet Archive has still a copy of the 2007 Final Report.
I don't see anything about a fight or shooting there in the Globe archives. It does say that the whole chain went bankrupt (4 locations) and was bought out by Rock Bottom breweries.
Q: What's the special at the 99 in Charlestown?
A: Duck!