Search results

  1. D

    Portland, ME - New Construction Continued

    The anti development people have won again. The midtown project will not be transformative, but bland, and uninspired, and less than half as tall as planned.
  2. D

    Portland, ME - New Construction Continued

    The new CBL glass walled waiting area has two regular hung doors, flanking the garage type doors in the center. These should allow people to pass in and out while keeping the large doors closed, and the waiting area warm in the winter.
  3. D

    Portland, ME - New Construction Continued

    Cory, what a beautiful picture. The building really shines at night.
  4. D

    Corey, Thank you for the pictures you post. I really appreciate your efforts. Davidc

    Corey, Thank you for the pictures you post. I really appreciate your efforts. Davidc
  5. D

    Portland, ME - New Construction Continued

    It appears Maine Med has started construction on their new glass operating room structure.
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    Portland, ME - New Construction Continued

    I saw some excavation starting on Sheridan St. yesterday. I am assuming it's for the new condo project that was approved recently.
  7. D

    Portland, ME - New Construction Continued

    I find it creative and refreshing
  8. D

    Portland, ME - New Construction Continued

    Does anyone know what is happening with the proposed Redfern development on Pine and Brackett st?
  9. D

    Portland Bayside

    I agree with Gritttys. I like how (he?) expresses himself. I love Portland, but it barely quallifies as a city in terms of size etc. It's history, in terms of relative size and importance, is far greater than it's present position in the country. Portland needs all the development it can get...
