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  1. bobthebuilder

    Amazon HQ2 RFP

    We have a thread for questions like that : What's Happening With Project X?
  2. bobthebuilder

    Massachusetts Bridges (fka Accelerated Bridge Repair)

    Also the Fore River Bridge. I understand why it was lumped in as part of the Accelerate Bridge program. I just find it funny being that this project has been in the works for the majority of my lifetime.
  3. bobthebuilder

    Four Seasons Tower @ CSC | 1 Dalton Street | Back Bay

    well, yea. I mean you can't put the facade up first.
  4. bobthebuilder

    Winthrop Square Garage Demolition | Downtown

    Get out of here with that Sanctuary city BS. You know all you're doing is trolling with a comment like that. It has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand.
  5. bobthebuilder

    Why can't we post Links to Videos?

    I can see data's just fine, but just to be sure, watch the entirety of this video and let me know if there are any issues...
  6. bobthebuilder

    Imploding Buildings

    Also... The Traveler's Building
  7. bobthebuilder

    Amazon HQ2 RFP

    If Suffolk downs is really the only area offered up in Boston's proposal, then that's a damn shame. It makes me think that Boston honed in on the 100 acre line and said, "welp, Suffolk downs fits the bill, slap it on a nice background and send it in." I hope they at least included the Red/Blue...
  8. bobthebuilder

    Amazon HQ2 RFP

    Sounds like you're referencing the Moody's Analytics Rankings. You can actually download the file and play with the weightings yourself to see how things affect the ratings. It's a fun little way to kill some time.
  9. bobthebuilder

    City Hall Plaza

  10. bobthebuilder

    🔹 What's Happening With Project X?

    I believe he has until the end of the year to get this thing started.
  11. bobthebuilder

    Amazon HQ2 RFP

    Re: The New Office Thread I HIGHLY doubt that whatever city gets picked will be building the new HQ, or paying for the renovations. Amazon will get a sweet deal on the land (if they build their own) or will get some good tax breaks (if they lease a space), but they will not be getting the...
  12. bobthebuilder

    Amazon HQ2 RFP

    With $100k+ salaries, they're not going to have to suck it up. Also, when I said that these employees would be more urban-centric, I didn't mean strictly Boston/Cambridge/Somerville. I meant that these workers are more likely to live inside 128, than outside.
  13. bobthebuilder

    Amazon HQ2 RFP

    Is it ideal, no. But definitely doable. Stamford to NYC is about the same commute time, and I know plenty of people that do it. That being said, the demographic that Amazon will (largely) be hiring will be the 20-30 somethings, that will tend to be more urban-centric.
  14. bobthebuilder

    Amazon HQ2 RFP

    Related: Amazon sign lease for 360k SF at 5 Manhattan West The click-bait title is deliberately misleading. This was obviously a deal long in the working prior to the RFP for HQ2, however you will undoubtedly see a lot of shocked reactions on LinkedIn-book, and other follow up articles. Gotta...
  15. bobthebuilder

    Amazon HQ2 RFP

    ^ Exactly. Didn't read the article, because I'm not paying for the Globe anymore (after Henry fired Orsillo), and they finally figured out the incognito loophole. I'm guessing they set up the article on the guise that if Amazon comes here they are going to open their doors on day 1 with 50,000...
  16. bobthebuilder

    Amazon HQ2 RFP

    Probably not. Buy you know what would be a perfect building (at least physically) for that? The Innovation and Design Building. I don't know if a large tenant like Amazon would fit into Jamestown's leasing strategy for the building, but the building would be perfect for Amazon. It's mostly been...
  17. bobthebuilder

    Amazon HQ2 RFP

    The more I think about it, the more I'd say not to get to hung up on that 8M SF number. This initial RFP is technically only for "phase 1", which is 500k-1M sf, according to their phase breakdown. In fact, all of the first 3 phases only amount to a maximum of 5M SF, which is very doable over 10...
  18. bobthebuilder

    Amazon HQ2 RFP

    I think SST would be great for Amazon, but there are some hurdles that make it less than a sure shot. First off, between SST, the USPS parcel, the MassDOT & Violia parcel, and whatever you can assemble across the channel, you probably can only get ~4-5M SF of buildout. Amazon wants 8M. It's...
  19. bobthebuilder

    Amazon HQ2 RFP

    That's what I was getting at with the 2.5M SF max build-out. The tower itself is only 862,000 SF, with 640k-700k (depending on the source) of office. When I first linked the image of the USPS buildout, I thought it included the building above the bus terminal, but now I see it doesn't. Even...
  20. bobthebuilder

    Amazon HQ2 RFP

    I do like the idea of SST for Amazon HQ. It is slated to have 704,000 SF of office space, which would be perfect for PH1. Hines is building the office on spec, so landing an anchor tenant like Amazon would be a huge win for them. The USPS site, while not immediately available, would fit into...
