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  1. NR2Portland

    South Portland, Maine You all see anything materializing here? Or another NIMBY masterpiece?
  2. NR2Portland

    The Casco | 201 Federal Street | Portland

    Hopefully they keep coming
  3. NR2Portland

    Portland International Jetport | PWM

    Another record month for enplanements for May. On a good pace
  4. NR2Portland

    Portland International Jetport | PWM

    Hitting the 50 count for arrivals tomorrow
  5. NR2Portland

    Portland International Jetport | PWM

    Pretty positive baggage claim is next on the list for revamps. I’ve heard they’re adding a carousel and redoing all of the other ones to be that newer, angled belt that looks and functions a lot better.
  6. NR2Portland

    Portland International Jetport | PWM

    49 departures today… so close to 50! Looking like another record year is in store
  7. NR2Portland

    Rock Row (née The Ridge, née Dirigo Plaza) | Westbrook, ME

    I’ve just gotta say it; is anything worth while going to ever come from this development? We have the retail stores and medical building. Okay. How about the promised housing? How about the convention center? How about the office towers? Beer hall? All the things that were going to make this a...
  8. NR2Portland

    Portland International Jetport | PWM

    They both use gate 5 usually so the Jetport plans that in advance with the airlines. Sun Country also uses that gate which started today so I’m sure gate 5 is the most used gate throughout the day.
  9. NR2Portland

    Portland International Jetport | PWM

    Pretty cool seeing the Breeze ads when arriving in Portland! The large UNE banners above look good too. Makes the space more lively.
  10. NR2Portland

    165 Washington Ave | Northern Burner Supply Redevelopment | Portland

    Classic. Complain before doing the research!😂
  11. NR2Portland

    Westbrook, ME

    As I said in the soccer stadium page, this is great news but are we using old renderings again? I thought the housing on top of the garage was a dead subject.
  12. NR2Portland

    Potential Soccer Stadium | Portland peninsula

    Good news here but weird that they would have the large picture be of the back cove stadium (which I personally think would be much better anyway) when they’re renovating Fitzy.
  13. NR2Portland

    Portland International Jetport | PWM

    Things are happening!!!
  14. NR2Portland

    165 Washington Ave | Northern Burner Supply Redevelopment | Portland

    Looks great. Is that small building all the way over to the right apart of it too? That’s not currently there. Another possibly too early question is where will all the parking be? What an entrance to Washington Ave this will be with the park, new condos on the right and then this on the left...
  15. NR2Portland

    165 Washington Ave | Northern Burner Supply Redevelopment | Portland

    Dying to see the renderings!! Should be a really good project
  16. NR2Portland

    The Casco | 201 Federal Street | Portland

    Can’t wait to hear about this Portlander!!
  17. NR2Portland

    Portland International Jetport | PWM

    A passenger lounge is crazy, PWM needs one of those badly if we have PQI getting one😂
  18. NR2Portland

    Infill and Small Developments | Portland

    Seems like a big lot. Why just 50 units? So close to downtown and on a major arterial that could see a lot of height and improvement. I think that’s really underdeveloping, if you will, that large plot.
  19. NR2Portland

    Portland International Jetport | PWM

    Southwest direct service to Orlando starts March 9th?! Had no idea this was a route! No announcements until I saw the assistant directors linked in post!
  20. NR2Portland

    Roux Institute Campus Development | Portland

    I think this is just phase 1 but I could be wrong
