Search results

  1. S

    Bill Russell Bridge | North Washington St.

    Right. "Is the design of the CHB between the skating rink and the Garden terrible?" is a separate discussion from "has the contractor/city/state done any temporary mitigation for CHB users?" The answers are very much yes and no. There's no warning that the underpass is gone until you get to it...
  2. S

    Bill Russell Bridge | North Washington St.

    So was the underpass open, Beeline?
  3. S

    Hood Business Park | 480-570 Rutherford Avenue | Charlestown

    Live / Work / Sustain You can live here (there's lots of parking), you can work here (there's office space), etc.
  4. S

    Biking in Boston

    Well, I ran this route on Friday, though I stayed on Commercial which I usually do unless I'm going over the locks (because running on that clacky boardwalk makes me nervous). Glad I didn't waste my time, but I certainly did not notice any sign. I'll check next time. edit: Nevermind, you said...
  5. S

    South Boston Infill and Small Developments

    For comparison:,-71.0354098,3a,75y,212.69h,89.72t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skVDz9zJp9YGV7RqCngcHkQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Quite a change from when I moved here ten years ago.
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    🔹 What's Happening With Project X?

    I've got pics of this too.
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    🔹 What's Happening With Project X?

    I can't find a general "Quincy Developments" thread but this is in North Quincy on West Squantum and Newport:
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    Biking in Boston

    They definitely started with the least-useful part. Not that I expect the other 60% to be even started anytime soon:
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    Biking in Boston

    My main issue there is how poorly it connects to the rest of the North End cycle track. For one thing, instead of continuing the track through Keany Sq, they have you bike behind the skating rink around the tennis courts and under the bridge (with poor signage). Then you have to bike over the...
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    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    They've been bustituting on the weekends north of Harvard to replace the concrete under the rails. Wonder if today is related to that.
  11. S

    75 Morrissey Boulevard | Dorchester

    This reminds me, I think the one good Boston2024 idea was to move Exit 14 north and have it come out behind the Globe and meet a newly designed intersection with Bianculli. Wonder if that's possible without changing the Globe footprint.
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    75 Morrissey Boulevard | Dorchester

    Here's the Columbia Point Master Plan: The Hub 25 building should have been a lot taller, so they're trying to make it up with these.
  13. S

    NEMA Boston | 399 Congress St. | Seaport

    Finally warm enough to stop and pull out my new Pixel 3 on runs and Beeline emerges from hibernation to scoop me. Oh well :)
  14. S

    BU Development Thread

    Has 910 been renovated? As of the latest image on Streeview it's a rather dingy building that doesn't look set up for retail at all.
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    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    You could get a progressive effect and increase revenue by raising the income tax paired with increasing the personal exemption and cutting the sales tax. No need to change the constitution.
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    The New Retail Thread

    Collins, at least, sounded much more reasonable on Twitter when he started getting people @'ing him (including me). And it is a little silly to have a 3-month beer garden using 90 one-day licenses. He says he wants seasonal licenses as well as 200 more Boston restaurant licenses.
  17. S

    The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

    Went to the Garden last night for the first time in over a decade so I can't tell what's new and what isn't. Honestly the whole place seemed quite shiny and modern until we got to our actual seats. I got there via the Orange Line so the photos start at the tunnel. The escalator was reversed when...
