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  1. P

    Crazy Transit Pitches

    Any sky-high transportation solution that isn't zeppelins is trash. I want a one way ticket from South Station Tower to the Empire State Building!
  2. P

    City Hall Discussion - Redevelopment - Preservation - Relocation

    There are other examples of brutalism in the city that are worthy of being preserved, the BPL extension and the Christian Science plaza for example. City Hall and City Hall Plaza not particularly functional and there is so much positive potential for the city to build something new here? To move...
  3. P

    Connected/Automated vehicles and infrastructure in Boston

    Your scenario where people are living in their cars seems pretty hellish and pessimistic to me. Every policy conversation about autonomous vehicles invariable involves road pricing, the two issues are linked and road pricing will not be lagging behind AVs. AVs are also farther away than the...
  4. P

    City Hall Discussion - Redevelopment - Preservation - Relocation

    If the human race can move on from losing the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the Library of Alexandria I'm sure we can cope with losing the worst building in America.
  5. P

    Connected/Automated vehicles and infrastructure in Boston

    As pessimistic as you lot are, road pricing will definitely be happening so this is not really a concern.
  6. P

    Blue Line extension to Lynn

    Setti Warren, current mayor of Newton and gubernatorial candidate, supports the Blue Line extension to Lynn. Link
  7. P

    Boston Globe

    You can go into your settings and delete your cookies for a particular website, so just delete your Globe cookies.
  8. P

    Kendall Common ( née Volpe Redevelopment) | Kendall Sq | Cambridge

    They already built the Sata Center though.
  9. P

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    Because the rest of the state has a massive chip on its soldier in regards to Boston. There is a perception that Boston sucks up state resources and amenities at the expense of the other parts of the state, which causes a spiteful political response that favors disinvestment in urban needs like...
  10. P

    Crazy Transit Pitches

    What would you do with the Blue Line if you wanted to extend it further? I don't think an elevated Blue Line extension would work well with plans to de-highway Storrow Drive and create some riverfront development because it would block riverfront views and create a new barrier between Back Bay...
  11. P

    Connected/Automated vehicles and infrastructure in Boston

    I'm pretty sure no municipality that matters will actually go along with Musk's tunnel plan, thank goodness.
  12. P

    Regional Rail (RUR) & North-South Rail Link (NSRL)

    Re: North-South Rail Link When Pollack says that the state can do both she is saying that the state will do SSX and then not do NSRL later. This is similar to the Baker administration saying that both phases of South Coast rail will definitely happen.
  13. P

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    An amendment in the House budget calls for a study into running a trolley from Peabody to Salem:
  14. P

    Late night T service take 2

    Owning a smartphone isn't necessarily an impediment to this proposal, as has been noted many people across different income ranges own smartphones. What IS a major impediment and makes the Bridj proposal unworkable is that riders would not be able to use Charlie Cards and be required to pay with...
  15. P

    New England Revolution Stadium | 173 Alford Street | Boston-Everett

    Re: Site in Hub top choice for a soccer stadium This is the best possible location to put it that has a realistic chance of happening.
  16. P

    2016 Presidential Race

    Voted for Bernie Sanders in the primary and will be voting for Jill Stein in the General (unless something incredibly unlikely happens and Bernie is the Democratic nominee?). We're getting close to a party realignment though and thank god because the Democratic and Republican establishments can...
  17. P

    Grand Prix of Boston

    The silver lining here is that if there is no IndyCar race, either a one off or as an annual thing, that is one less obstacle towards fixing the Seaport District's street grid.
  18. P

    Whats left to build on?

    Developers too, are left wondering what land there is left to build on. Instead of parking lots downtown they're looking at Readville though: Link.
  19. P

    Crazy Transit Pitches

    If you're going to send a Red Line spur to Waltham, I figure that it would be more practical to send it along the Fitchburg Line after Alewife. That routing might not even require a spur (and thus split frequencies) if the Red Line extension to Lexington never happens. For Lower Allston and...
