I'm really over people saying this report was "scathing" or "searing" or any other "s" words that end in "ing." The leaking of the report to the press in the days before its release focused on how poorly run the T was and how terrible the T employees are, but anyone who actually read the report...
I wish it was possible (and maybe it is?) to determine if this type of good press results in net new revenue generated once the loss of a day's farebox is taken into account.
How can it be a victory? if this doesn't get built, that's 76 less units of affordable housing, hundreds less units of housing in general keeping supply lower and demand higher.
Plaza with roundabout. As a former Tufts grad student (any other UEP-ers on here?) I can attest to that intersection being miserable to cross. No safe crossings where you need them to be and cars fly through with the current road geometry.
I for one am relieved to hear that if we stick to front door only boarding and cut down on what must thousands of daily fare evaders, we'll have the $6.7 billion we need to fix the system.
Hopefully this is a sign of things to come. Protected lanes, pedestrian islands, even that little extra bit to make sure cars slow down. Amazing stuff.
I agree it has to go either one way or the other. If we want green space, then leave the environs open. If we want a European style, very active piazza, then close it in with very active uses. But we can't have both.