Search results

  1. FrankLloydMike

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

    I wasn't aware of the consideration to reduce the width/lanes of northern Elm, but it's a great idea. Elm Street between Bridge and Granite used to be like it is north of Bridge, and the wider sidewalks, angled parking and reduced lanes have made a wide street into an enjoyable place to stroll...
  2. FrankLloydMike

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

    Adam McCune has a nice column in today's UL on the positive improvements the city--and the Victory Park area, in particular--that the growth of NHIA has brought about. I think, perhaps more than any other single thing, NHIA has been hugely responsible for the recent revitalization of downtown...
  3. FrankLloydMike

    Portland, ME - New Construction Continued

    Regarding the Occupy Maine opposition to the Eastland expansion: There is no shortage of better, properly designed public space in Portland, including the small square directly across Congress Street from the Eastland. This is such a great example of how difficult it is for once-occupied but...
  4. FrankLloydMike

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

    Looks like we (and NECN) are not the only ones noticing Manchester's growth, and thinking about where it goes from here. I just stumbled across a panel discussion from last month published in NHBR, entitled Taking Manchester to 'the next level'. It's a collection of leading Mancunians from...
  5. FrankLloydMike

    South County Rhode Island, or, How Sparse is Too Sparse for Transit?

    As someone who would really like to see better transit in my native southern New Hampshire, and who has drawn up routes I'd like to see like the ones you did, I appreciate what you're talking about. I don't know much about South County, but my guess just from looking at the maps is that it...
  6. FrankLloydMike

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

    I've only had a chance to watch this with the sound off (at the office), but there's a video on NECN about the retail revival on Elm Street. Some of those new coffee shops/bakeries sound like a great addition to downtown, and fill a major void. As a side note, does anyone know how to embed a...
  7. FrankLloydMike

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

    Yeah, I really miss the Beanstalk, as I mentioned. Personally, I like the Farm better than Wings Your Way, but I haven't been back there since January. It's such a cool space in there, though, with the old stone arch to the back bar and patio, so I hope the Farm lasts there. It's a lot better...
  8. FrankLloydMike

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

    I haven't been down there in awhile, but the sidewalks were seriously dumpy before, so if they're not anymore I'd say yes. That's good news--Manchester is the only side street with a reasonably good mid-block connection to the best block of Hanover--it would be great for some of the liveliness...
  9. FrankLloydMike

    Portland, ME - New Construction Continued

    I visited Portland a few weeks ago, and wandered around the East India neighborhood for the first time. We had been to Duckfat before, but that was it--we visited the new coffee shop and produce market along the waterfront, and walked around the side streets. While Munjoy Hill is still probably...
  10. FrankLloydMike

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

    A form-based approach would be huge for Manchester, I think, as would some regional cooperation with surrounding towns to avoid some of the negative competition (race to the bottom) that currently exists. But I think a form-based approach is probably the most important thing, at the very least...
  11. FrankLloydMike

    Portland Renderings

    Lots of good stuff. I especially like the Woodford's Corner rendering--simple improvements that go a long way. What is the proposal for the addition at the Eastland?
  12. FrankLloydMike

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

    Also, Manchester Oblique has a cool analysis of some of Manchester's side streets, touching on the comparison that was discussed here awhile back between Hanover and some other streets.
  13. FrankLloydMike

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

    I saw a real estate ad in the Hippo today for 54-94 Old Granite Street, which includes about half the block between Franklin and Granite Streets, and a prominent spot at the most important gateway to downtown. Right now, the buildings are used for storage and are generally unsightly, or maybe...
  14. FrankLloydMike

    Commuter Rail to New Hampshire?

    Nashua is getting $6.5 million to construct park-and-ride facilities, one of which will likely become the downtown rail station eventually:
  15. FrankLloydMike

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

    Google has new satellite views for Manchester, but only for the closest zoom levels. It's the kind they've had in Boston and other cities for awhile--where you can see the south-facing fronts of buildings--almost 3D. Anyway, on the closest zoom, I think I see the foundation work you're talking...
  16. FrankLloydMike


    I think there's definitely room for more height in Portland--both on existing buildings and especially in some open lots. That said, most of Congress Street and the Old Port already has a strong urban feeling, with decent to good--and I might even argue appropriate--height throughout. A few...
  17. FrankLloydMike

    Winnipesaukee Playhouse

    Sounds cool. Those dolls used to give me the creeps when I was kid, so this is doubly good news.
  18. FrankLloydMike


    This is the first of I've heard of this, but according to the Union Leader, Strawbery Banke is attempting to recreate a bit of an actual neighborhood within the museum by renting out a few residences in some of the restored buildings:
  19. FrankLloydMike

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

    Some news in the Union Leader about the city-run Manchester Development Corporation (MDC) boosting awareness of itself:
  20. FrankLloydMike

    Fall River, MA-- The rebirth of a mill town

    I couldn't agree more about preserving and reusing mills in cities like Fall River, and thanks for sharing some history and pointing in the right direction to find the mills on Street View. I've only ever driven through Fall River and am not familiar with the city, but looking at the map and...
