Thanks for the pictures.
Does anyone know if the new building will be flush with the Bosworth St. streetwall or will it poke out onto the street like the steel in this picture?
statler, I disagree...this site is a perfect spot for a park, not a tower. If we built a tower on this site the only other parks in the area would be Post Office Sq. and the Greenway.
Yeah you can walk into almost any building except the dorms without any problem. The best buildings to check out would be Bapst, Gasson, Devlin, Fulton, and Higgins. I think the only time they check for student ID at the libraries is during exams.
I can't make my own Winthrop Square proposal yet. I'm still learning the program. This is all i got so far. Maybe they can throw a few of these up at the Seaport.