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  1. M

    South End Infill and Small Developments

    Anyone know what the developers hopes/what might actually end up in the space(s) on the ground floor?
  2. M

    Fort Point Infill and Small Developments

    Congress Street is one of my favorite in the city. I love how the buildings are all similar heights and generally a similar style. Hopefully whatever happens on empty lots adds to the feel of the neighborhood. One building that I'm intrigued by is 369 Congress. It sits between the recently...
  3. M

    Next big highway project?

    They should probably just spend the money making this a reality instead of a 3rd bridge:
  4. M

    Next big highway project?

    Yeah, one of the trickiest things is getting people form the end station on the Cape to wherever they are staying. I'd rather spend the $300+ million on more frequent transit to the Cape and better transit on the Cape.
  5. M

    Questions on the purpose/economics of The Ride

    Can anyone give a ballpark estimate what it would cost to bring the entire MBTA system up to ADA? And follow up: once that happens (which I imagine it will, however long it takes), can the T then cease operating the RIDE?
  6. M

    Late night T service take 2

    Yeah, I think this would make more sense and be more utilized. I'm fine with only 15 routes, so long as they are the right ones.
  7. M

    Late night T service take 2

    The only addition that I think would be awesome to add though I admit beforehand having zero idea about if it could work at all: a new bus service that mimics the GLX. Again, it's probably stupid and couldn't work, but I feel like if this Governor were at the beginning of his term it's the...
  8. M

    Late night T service take 2

    yes, it would be great if it was more than subway+key bus routes, but let's not get greedy here. I agree that this is gonna shift from pilot to regular operating procedure very quickly. Then we can revisit a further expansion.
  9. M

    MA Casino Developments

    Where did you look to find this out?
  10. M

    Downtown Crossing/Financial District | Discussion

    I think part of the reason it didn't go higher is that the buildings on either side now have windows facing toward this building, and I'm guessing those occupants would have made a big stink if they lost their windows.
  11. M

    Northern Avenue Bridge Fort Point Channel

    I loooooooooove the lighting on this bridge, and generally the lighting done on some of the new buildings in the seaport.
  12. M

    MA Casino Developments

    Ok, I admit it - "quickly" was the wrong word choice. But what I was trying to get across was that I would view this as the MGC flexing its muscle if no one got approved due mostly to background check issues, and given that I am personally ambivalent toward casinos, I'm fine if it takes longer.
  13. M

    MA Casino Developments

    I disagree. I think the MGC would be in a pretty powerful spot if they had the stones to say "Nope, none of you were good enough. Go back and try again." It would show that they actually want to do this right, not just quickly.
  14. M

    Vertex Headquarters @ Fan Pier | 11 Fan Pier Blvd, 50 Northern Ave | Seaport

    That's one of the reasons I really like raised intersections - the sidewalks become accessible from every angle and it makes drivers more aware of pedestrians.
  15. M

    Northern Avenue Bridge Fort Point Channel

    I do too. I just want something to be done here, at the very least fixing the bridge up enough so that the entire thing is open to bikes and peds.
  16. M

    MA Casino Developments

    Soccer specific stadium. Suffolk Downs or Wonderland. Pretty please with sugar and money on top.
  17. M

    Twenty Two Liberty @ Fan Pier | 22 Liberty Drive - Parcel C | Seaport

    Re: Twenty Two Liberty @ Fan Pier | 22 Liberty Drive | Seaport Image from U-Hub
  18. M

    Downtown Crossing/Financial District | Discussion

    That's definitely what it is, for the hotel project at the corner of Temple Place and Washington.
  19. M

    South End Infill and Small Developments

    Look closer. That front door (the actual door on the left) has a couple steps leading up to it. I don't think the stairs going up to the 2nd floor are flush with the facade.
  20. M

    South End Infill and Small Developments

    Yeah, it has the look of an old carriage house. I used to walk by this all the time when we lived in the South End. Definitely a hidden gem.
