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  1. O

    Logan Airport Flights and Airlines Discussion

    Logan does not have the infrastructure in place to handle scheduled A380 service at this time and I don't believe they have plans to make the expensive upgrades needed. BOS-DXB will probably be on a 777LR - they don't really use A330/A340 for anything other than flights more 'regional' in...
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    Logan Airport Flights and Airlines Discussion

    I don't know that I've seen a particular date thrown around for Emirates, just that it is likely inevitable for 2013? Turkish, though, is notorious for throwing around wishlists of potential future destinations. I believe they announced their intention back in 2011 to start BOS and it never...
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    Crazy Transit Pitches

    Agreed, F-Line, what a truly asinine proposal.
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    Bowker Overpass replacement?

    Do you have a source for the Storrow number? Not to say I don't believe you (thought it does seem to be a bit high?), but I've been able to easily find the state and federal routes on the MA state website and can't seem to find anything on Storrow. Meanwhile, the Pike is severely underutilized...
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    Logan Airport Flights and Airlines Discussion

    I'm not sure I'd go so far to say that Southwest is the perfect "hub-underminer" considering it has little more than a token presence in MSP and DTW and has been dismantling the operation AirTran had built in ATL. If JetBlue can make BOS-PHL work -- a route US has fought hard to protect -- I'd...
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    Bowker Overpass replacement?

    ^ That's not an apt comparison since you're talking about downgrading a road that is already on par with the Arroyo Seco. Eliminating Storrow and restriping the Pike with even narrower lanes will decrease safety and throughput.
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    Logan Airport Flights and Airlines Discussion

    The next five largest markets from BOS that JetBlue doesn't serve are Atlanta, Minneapolis/Saint Paul, Milwaukee, Houston and Detroit. Note that four of the five are fortress hubs for other airlines: ATL, MSP and DTW for Delta and IAH for United. JetBlue will have to add all of these in the...
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    Bowker Overpass replacement?

    On top of everything else that has been said, the Pike doesn't need another lane, anyway. It could actually drop a lane in each direction in favor of continuous full-width shoulders.
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    Route 3 Widening

    Any additional widening to the SE Expressway - be it for lanes or shoulders - would require expanding the right of way via expensive and disruptive land takings or elevating the new lanes. While I would love to see a modern, elevated 4-lane tollway along the SE Expressway to compliment the...
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    Route 3 Widening

    What would we have to aspire to? We already have core that is 3x denser and more developed with a significantly better transit system that has ridership light years ahead Portland. All of that is without significantly more freeway lane miles per capita.
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    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos It's just pathetic that they continue to invest so little in the most-used line of the entire system. I get it: people have had to wait and wonder when the next Red, Orange, or Blue train will arrive but at the end of the day that is far, far less...
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    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos How "highly typical" that the Green Line is absent but could arguably benefit the most from this. Curiously, I've noticed that the displays at Government Center are only showing the time in the upper right corner like they have with the new countdown...
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    Logan Airport Flights and Airlines Discussion

    That is correct. Flew BOS-AMS-BOS on the A333 this year... nice plane, but the PTVs are definitely starting to show their age: smaller, not touch screen, etc. JetBlue's PTVs are also quite small but they more than make up for it with other amenities. Have only flown JetBlue once before but...
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    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos From a service perspective, reliably hitting 6-7 minute intervals on the branches with longer trains is much better than more trains, shorter headways and more bunching. Train throughput is only one part of the equation; if they're supposed to be...
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    Logan Airport Flights and Airlines Discussion

    Concurrently, American will end all BOS-LHR service:
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    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos I can only think of one time when I had something similar happen: last summer heading inbound at Hynes, the operator would not open the back doors. That is most certainly atypical. What time were you riding?
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    Logan Airport Flights and Airlines Discussion

    JetBlue will do fine in the BOS-PHL market I think. They have the critical mass in Boston to make it work whereas other carriers simply did not (Southwest, Airtran) or the route wasn't high enough priority to stick out (American, Delta). Now wishing they'd grow their network in the Midwest...
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    MBTA Public Info Meeting - Government Center

    Can't imagine how horrendous the crowds will be at Park. Need to find a house somewhere off the Orange Line before they start this mess.
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    MBTA Public Info Meeting - Government Center

    Anyone planning to go? I can't make it but am dying to know how they think Park will be able to handle all of that additional traffic coming its way.
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    Congestion toll in Boston?

    'Destroying the spirit of carpooling'? Give me a break. People who actually carpool still get to use the express lanes free of charge. All you do is send in a carpool registration. Not too terribly difficult. Net-net, though, they added a lane in each direction. Doing so meant no loss of...
