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  1. T

    MBTA Red Line / Blue Line Connector

    a "small number" of years ago, Ari was citing MassDOT's then $750 million claims as unreasonably high. With inflation, that's nearly $950 million today, so... the estimate has gone down? Yay?
  2. T

    Regional Rail (RUR) & North-South Rail Link (NSRL)

    Don't worry guys, we reopened the Suffolk Downs bridge!
  3. T

    MBTA Buses & Infrastructure

    I'm told the 3100 series has extended range capabilities, contrary to what NETransit suggests.
  4. T

    MBTA Buses & Infrastructure

    Any ideas why (and how) there are hybrids in the Seaport tunnel right now...? (straight XDE40s, not XDE60 with long range battery or whatever the MBTA is pushing)
  5. T

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    A train from Riverside today featured "Lechmere" signs/announcements while countdown clocks displayed Union Sq. Operator only clarified at Lechmere that the train was indeed going to Union Sq. Unrelated but 3647 featured new headsigns... but no audible announcements. Also, operator had to get...
  6. T

    MBTA "Transformation" (Green Line, Red Line, & Orange Line Transformation Projects)

    Some station work out of the blue. Both stations are listed on this page as "in planning".
  7. T

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    Yep: for Harbor Tunnel Work On a related note, I find it really funny that the Suffolk Downs pedestrian footbridge is still closed, despite that other Blue Line shutdown.
  8. T

    MBTA "Transformation" (Green Line, Red Line, & Orange Line Transformation Projects)

    Took one ride recently, just as slow as always. Did they say that the shutdown would touch the viaduct? Thought it was about Medford work and Government Center Garage work. Amateur data analysis from the MBTA Performance API shows a benchmark Science Park -> Lechmere of 180 seconds, with trips...
  9. T

    Crazy Transit Pitches

    It's certainly creative! My mind goes to one thing: rich D branch passengers objecting to being routed through Roxbury Crossing and Nubian...
  10. T

    MBTA Construction Projects

    GLT docs from a while ago said three 9 day shutdowns, so I'd imagine that's what's correct.
  11. T

    Water Transportation in and around Boston

    The schedule is now posted here. Rode it today, 6:30 from Lewis Wharf. No one with me, 4 people heading back, though two of them tried to get on and were told they needed a ticket and had to mess around mTicket for a bit. The thing that struck me is how *tiny* the boat is compared to the rest...
  12. T

    Water Transportation in and around Boston

    One thing I've heard cited a lot is bikes, but I'd imagine that doesn't account for everything.
  13. T

    MBTA Buses & Infrastructure

    One thing that gets lost in this hype about 30 minute service all day, which is admittedly AMAZING, is that Sunday service was cut as a result of driver shortages. That'd be really nice to have return, if only to be able to state that the only bus in Lowell on Sundays is operated by the MVRTA...
  14. T

    The Official MBTA System Map

    Hey, awesome work! Know nothing about cartography, so can't help on that front, but visually, looks great! A few corrections: - Southborough and Amory Street are misspelled - Natick Center is not accessible - Union Sq is missing labels Below are just updates: - Foxboro gets full-ish service...
  15. T

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    I thought this statement from former Chief Safety Officer Ron Nickle's statement was quite apt...
  16. T

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    Trains are planning to stop at Oak Grove. Also, I finally got a still-terrible-but-at-least-not-blurry photo of the alert, this time at Copley from a train.
  17. T

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    My silver lining is we know that the GL shutdown will end two days before the OL shutdown. inb4 a "tool cart derailment" BL-style makes them overlap
  18. T

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    On 7/25 (and as recently as yesterday) I saw an alert at Kenmore saying shuttles Union Square to North Station combined with "use Orange Line" from North Station to Government Center from 8/8 to 8/17. That makes it sound like they were planned separately, and planned to have the Orange Line open...
