Search results

  1. BostonUrbEx

    Logan Airport Capital Projects

    A lot of complaints about enticing families to take transit to the airport. My question is: who cares?! As long as a significant portion of travelers (non-families) take transit to the airport, then the families that are flying can go take their cabs/livery/personal vehicles all they want and...
  2. BostonUrbEx

    Kenmore Square North (WHOOP) | 533-541 Commonwealth Ave | Fenway

    In fact, it shouldn't be the Citgo sign. Do a facadectomy at this location, allow a taller building (since we won't have to worry about blocking the sign, either) to recoup the costs, and replace the sign with a new one on the new building which maybe has some actual relation to the city other...
  3. BostonUrbEx

    Cookie issue

    I'm not the only one with a browser cookie issue on this board, right? It seems even worse than before my absence. Before, if I left a tab open with the board pulled up, it'd eventually mark everything as 'read' unless I was refreshing/opening threads every so many minutes. But now, things are...
  4. BostonUrbEx

    Quaker Lane + Congress Square | Downtown

    Wow, just catching up and I really like this. I'm very thankful for the pictures that have been shared, too. Haven't been over that way in a while, so it is very helpful to see these photos.
  5. BostonUrbEx

    South Boston Infill and Small Developments

    Are you referring to the 1st and last pictures? Because you quoted the entire post. I don't think the 1st one looks too bad, especially on that blank section of wall. The last one, the entire face of the building looks bad, but it will probably end up blocked by a building on the property in...
  6. BostonUrbEx

    The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

    Is The Hub still office-heavy, or has it shifted a bit? The OP said 600k sq ft for office space, more square footage than for any other use, and which at just under 175 sq ft/job means 3,500 office workers. A hearty number for anywhere, I guess... but this is a hub, as the name implies. A heavy...
  7. BostonUrbEx

    🔷 Open Thread

    Good to see that classic Rifleman content hasn't lost its touch around here.
  8. BostonUrbEx

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    Ha! Shared your image to New Urbanist Memes for Transit-Oriented Teens. I found the broad time frame very amusing.
  9. BostonUrbEx

    MassDOT Pike Parcels 12 - 15 | Boylston St. and Mass. Ave | Back Bay

    Could we please try to post all community/zoning meetings in the forum for Boston Architecture/Urbanism Related Events? It would be much easier to place all these meetings in one spot to figure out which ones we can go to.
  10. BostonUrbEx

    Regional Rail (RUR) & North-South Rail Link (NSRL)

    Re: North-South Rail Link I'm all for an F Line, too. I think it would be hard to pull off both at the same exact time, though. Which is probably what would be necessary to avoid appearing as a loss of transit.
  11. BostonUrbEx

    MassDOT Pike Parcels 12 - 15 | Boylston St. and Mass. Ave | Back Bay

    This actually would make me even angrier -- to think that there's people with time on their hands intentionally shitting on the city and the general public.
  12. BostonUrbEx

    Regional Rail (RUR) & North-South Rail Link (NSRL)

    Re: North-South Rail Link I disagree that Providence, Worcester, Fitchburg, Lowell, Lawrence, Haverhill, and perhaps Nashua, Manchester, and Portsmouth should get "low density of service," but anyway.... Dear God, no. This isn't the way to do it. Central Station is debatable, but adding...
  13. BostonUrbEx

    The Beverly (née Merano) (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

    Re: The Merano (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End Haverhill St needs one of its lanes removed and the sidewalks widened. The sidewalks get far too cramped all too often, and one lane of the street somehow becomes a strip of parking for police officers and city officials on game...
  14. BostonUrbEx

    MassDOT Pike Parcels 12 - 15 | Boylston St. and Mass. Ave | Back Bay

    Yes, but what about THE CHILDREN. I'm guessing the complainers are from Comm Ave and Marlborough St just to the north. It makes sense, and is expected, even if they're unjustified.
  15. BostonUrbEx

    Regional Rail (RUR) & North-South Rail Link (NSRL)

    Re: North-South Rail Link For one, that's absurd that there's no benefit to Boston residents. And two, that is absurd to say that only Boston should get funding for transportation. Red-Blue is important, but it isn't going to be as important as NSRL. Just throwing this out there, but...
  16. BostonUrbEx

    Regional Rail (RUR) & North-South Rail Link (NSRL)

    Re: North-South Rail Link There's plenty of platforms at Penn, I wouldn't think the two are related all that much. Another major issue with the Hudson tunnel is that maintenance, especially the heavy stuff, can rarely be done (and has been put off far too much) leading to critical states of...
  17. BostonUrbEx

    Regional Rail (RUR) & North-South Rail Link (NSRL)

    Re: North-South Rail Link That's a lot of lines for 2 tracks. Keep in mind that a patrol, track work, or any sort of break-down/incident means you're immediately down to a single track operation. A major failure of the Hudson tunnel is that the NEC only has two tracks and is limited to 23...
  18. BostonUrbEx

    East Boston Infill and Small Developments

    I know you are, and I was actually being incredibly specific in who I'm squaring the blame on. EDIT: that doesn't sound right. Sounds like I'm targeting you, which I am *not.* Probably because rents are so much lower in Eastie, and it is still perceived as having a rougher vibe.
  19. BostonUrbEx

    East Boston Infill and Small Developments

    Really? This is the building we're beating up on? Need I remind everyone what East Boston is like?,-71.0288672,3a,75y,340.62h,92.48t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1spRxJhvqeM28Qfu-YExjuFw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656...
  20. BostonUrbEx

    🔹 What's Happening With Project X?

    With the great success where seeing on Boylston in Fenway, I have a few questions. Is there a project/thread for the Tasty Burger parcel? The Sweet Caroline's block (shitty one-block two-story low-rise)? The parking lot at Ipswich & Van Ness? Also, the Verb is being put to shame by all...
