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  1. bosdevelopment

    archBoston Presidential Poll 2012

    Just laid paralegal and one attorney off. Afterwords, I couldn't help but think back to this kid's masterful prose.
  2. bosdevelopment

    archBoston Presidential Poll 2012

    To suggest that republicans openly support fascism (totalitarian state) while democrats unknowingly support it is inane. Fascism is aligned with neither the right nor the left. Fascism is a totalitarian state. Your posts read like musings of a naughty little authoritarian coming out of the...
  3. bosdevelopment

    archBoston Presidential Poll 2012

    Re: Arguing on the internet is the best use of anyone's time Truer words have yet to be spoken in this thread.
  4. bosdevelopment

    archBoston Presidential Poll 2012

    BostonUrbEx: Clearly confused.
  5. bosdevelopment

    The Kensington | 665 Washington Street | Downtown

    Re: Residences at Kensington I don't understand what the complaint with this building is. Wait until it's finished - It doesnt look that bad, for something int he middle of construction. The massing is in line with the area
  6. bosdevelopment

    archBoston Presidential Poll 2012

    It does sound liek Mel Gibson. I've listened to this about 5 times - it's absolutely perfect.
  7. bosdevelopment

    archBoston Presidential Poll 2012

    ^Hilarious. FUCK YOU Katy Perry
  8. bosdevelopment

    archBoston Presidential Poll 2012

    A video of a principaled man. What more am I to infer?
  9. bosdevelopment

    archBoston Presidential Poll 2012

    With all due respect, I don't think you comprehend what the ramifications of "canceling debt" are. Our economy is fueled by debt. What do you think is going to happen to the US credit rating once we start "canceling debt."Keep in mind, Greece has yet to Default. Congress can't just go and...
  10. bosdevelopment

    Boston > NYC

    I don't know about this. I think that the idea of a geographically located campus will become obsolete. This will happen sooner than later. Once this happens boston would be in a heap of trouble. Education is the lifeblood of the area.
  11. bosdevelopment

    archBoston Presidential Poll 2012

    I can haz treasury bondz? Hong Kong: $121.9 billion (0.9 percent) Caribbean banking centers: $148.3 (1 percent) Taiwan: $153.4 billion (1.1 percent) Brazil: $211.4 billion (1.5 percent) Oil exporting countries: $229.8 billion (1.6 percent) Mutual funds: $300.5 billion (2 percent) Commercial...
  12. bosdevelopment

    archBoston Presidential Poll 2012

    But... what about gay marriage and birth control?
  13. bosdevelopment

    archBoston Presidential Poll 2012

    I'm sure what some politician said about rape is really going to be what people are complaining about from their leadership when there is a 10%+ decline in GDP. Social issues just aren't that important and is the lowest form of pandering.It's the economy, stupid. For fuck's sake..WAKE UP!
  14. bosdevelopment

    archBoston Presidential Poll 2012

    I strongly disagree. Something has to give. The fed has promises to keep near term interest rates near zero through 2014! Simply put, you cannot get something out of nothing. "Smiling and Nodding" is exactly what our government is doing to address this problem. It's what Greece did. Keep in...
  15. bosdevelopment

    archBoston Presidential Poll 2012

    Im one of those idiots that wrote in Ron Paul so... he would work too.
  16. bosdevelopment

    archBoston Presidential Poll 2012

    This guy:
  17. bosdevelopment

    archBoston Presidential Poll 2012

    Have you even finished college yet? It's painfully obvious that you mission is simply to defend the president at all costs. The issue is whether Japan follows a Keynesian (heavy-government involvement) model, which they do... obviously. Ignoring [your own] statements and referencing writings...
  18. bosdevelopment

    archBoston Presidential Poll 2012

    Lurker just linked an article titled "Japan and the Limits of Keynesianism." Please stop.
  19. bosdevelopment

    archBoston Presidential Poll 2012

    Mathew - How old are you? God help us.
  20. bosdevelopment

    archBoston Presidential Poll 2012

    Do you honestly believe that Barack Obama is in any way shape or form fiscally conservative? Do you also honestly believe that the economy was "booming" from 2000 to 2008? Let's be clear about something: Unlike you, I do not mindlessly represent party ideology.
