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  1. bosdevelopment

    Worst New Development of 2012

    There's no doubt that HLS produces a plethora of scum. We hand them their asses regularly in Housing Court. That aside, the building is beautiful.
  2. bosdevelopment

    Worst New Development of 2012

    Looking in to this, I actually like fascist architecture. Things are made bigger just for the sake of being bigger. Not nearly as cold as brutalist. To me it's like what a beginner would come up with, if resources were not an issue.
  3. bosdevelopment

    Worst New Development of 2012

    are you guys serious? this building is a masterpiece. likely the most striking street-level harvard building (w/o set back).
  4. bosdevelopment

    archBoston Presidential Poll 2012
  5. bosdevelopment

    Malden + Melrose Infill and Small Developments

    Re: Malden/Melrose
  6. bosdevelopment

    archBoston Presidential Poll 2012

    Gallup has him at 49% but these polls are, for the most part, meaningless. 61% is a good round number for this president. 47% of the people are those living off of entitlements, the remaining 14% makes up the wealthy...
  7. bosdevelopment

    The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

    Re: TD Garden Towers very impressive picture. notice the tall hotel that was torn down next to north station.
  8. bosdevelopment

    The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

    Re: TD Garden Towers great article here.. notice the date.. nothing has changed
  9. bosdevelopment

    The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

    Re: TD Garden Towers
  10. bosdevelopment

    🔷 Open Thread

    That suggestion really got me thinking..
  11. bosdevelopment

    The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

    Re: TD Garden Towers Whatever -THis isn't going to happen, at least not for a long time - and will likely be much much smaller. This idea has been bandied about for years - almost a decade now (or more) by delaware north. Just like Nashua Street. Only now they've introduced Target... "GASP!"...
  12. bosdevelopment

    The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

    Re: TD Garden Towers I dont think anyone would argue that the place didn't at least have more character back then.
  13. bosdevelopment

    🔷 Open Thread

    who on earth would take the commuter rail from fall river to boston, daily?
  14. bosdevelopment

    Official Gun Control Debate Thread

    I'm not sure what type of law you practice but this is commonplace in District Court. The idea is to put enough pressure on the defendant to plea out regardless of what actually took place. This happens in Court Rooms across the state every day in thousands of situations where the Defendants are...
  15. bosdevelopment

    Official Gun Control Debate Thread

    You can't control things you can just download...
  16. bosdevelopment

    archBoston Presidential Poll 2012

    The Greek Politicians Won Elections As Well
  17. bosdevelopment

    Official Gun Control Debate Thread

    Piers Morgan vs. Ben Shapiro The best part is when he refers to the constitution as "[Ben Shapiro's] little book."
  18. bosdevelopment

    archBoston Presidential Poll 2012

    Ron Paul doesn't have a choice......
  19. bosdevelopment

    archBoston Presidential Poll 2012

    are you actually serious? You've brought this position up before and after reading it 2 or 3 times it was just a string of meaningless words. You wrote: "Like not doing so is some sort of hypocrisy?' WTF? What are laws to you.. a game? Are we just supposed to say things just because they...
