Search results

  1. Banker & Tradesman

    One Lincoln (State Street Building)

    Some rather big news: Lenders are calling time on this tower, with an auction planned for March 20. A source tells us the senior loan debt of $765 million, with $145 million in floating-rate mezzanine financing...
  2. Banker & Tradesman

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    They may not care, but wetlands etc. carry additional levels of environmental permitting -- a salient issue in this home-rule state.
  3. Banker & Tradesman

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    FWIW, that wasn't really the attitude that GM Eng and Mike Muller (executive director of commuter rail) projected at yesterday's Greater Boston Chamber event about the future of commuter rail, even if prior administrations might not have approached the issue with any great urgency. We didn't...
  4. Banker & Tradesman

    Plymouth infill and developments

    This morning we found a MEPA filing from Boston-based developer Cathartes proposing the next, big phase of its development at the now-shuttered Plymouth commuter rail station. No visuals, but some statistics: three 5-story buildings totaling 481,490 square feet at 56 Loring Boulevard, located...
  5. Banker & Tradesman

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    The outgoing director of TransitMatters penned a valedictory op-ed for us, where he calls for a much more robust long-term plan for the T's future:
  6. Banker & Tradesman

    Waltham Infill and Small Developments

    This warehouse on Main Street right next to Route 128 and beneath those radio towers on the hill..... ...could get turned into apartments (369-unit Chapter 40B project w/ a 549-space parking garage) under plans Lincoln Property Co. Willow Brook recently submitted to the Waltham ZBA...
  7. Banker & Tradesman

    Public Safety Building/Cobble Hill Redevelopment | 90 Washington Street | Somerville

    Last night, the city announced its abandoning plans for this public safety complex after losing an eminent domain case over the property. (Edit: the big delta in what the SRA offered and what...
  8. Banker & Tradesman

    Addressing the nationwide housing crisis

    Cambridge is pretty close to effectively eliminating single-family zoning mandates citywide after yesterday's council vote. The zoning change will become effective
  9. Banker & Tradesman

    Dorchester Infill and Small Developments

    We don't think this has yet been posted anywhere? Along with the bigger projects the BPDA board OK'd last night (our story, if you're curious:, this funky one from Cobalt Development Partners got the...
  10. Banker & Tradesman

    80-100 Smith Street | Mission Hill

    BPDA approved: What made the difference? $200K. From our story (which also includes the other five buildings OK'd last night):
  11. Banker & Tradesman

    The Ipswich | 2 Charlesgate West | Fenway The Boston ZBA signed off on this project this morning. Seems like shaving two floors of the tower was the local city councilor (Durkan)'s price for support to minimize shadows on the Fenway, but it still tops...
  12. Banker & Tradesman

    Skanska Office Tower | 380 Stuart Street | Back Bay

    Skanska did get back to us eventually and we've updated the story: ”We are confident about the future of office in Boston and are encouraged by recent trends that reinforce the city as our region’s economic engine. In an evolving market, we are positioning ourselves to be ready to start at the...
  13. Banker & Tradesman

    Skanska Office Tower | 380 Stuart Street | Back Bay

    Popping in to add: We confirmed that the abutter lawsuit that would have held up construction was recently dismissed, but we couldn't get anyone from Skanska on the horn immediately to get more details.
  14. Banker & Tradesman

    Burlington MA Developments

    In case you haven't been following, Burlington officials have been beavering away for the last few years trying to get community support to zone the whole Mall Road area for more zoning. And now, with office vacancies there hitting 20 percent, they're looking at multifamily development as the...
  15. Banker & Tradesman

    MBTA Buses & Infrastructure

    Phil Eng got a big hug from Santa (alias, MBTA COO Ryan Coholan) for his slow zone-removal work this morning. When a reporter asked Gov. Healey about this morning's Red Line signals debacle, she apologized ("It sucks. I'm sorry"). Elsewhere in the program, she noted there's still "more work...
  16. Banker & Tradesman

    Cambridge Multi-Family Zoning Reform

    A small update we published yesterday: A new proposal substituting by-right approval for 4-story buildings (instead of the 6 stories by right) is gaining support. We also published a much bigger dive into the...
  17. Banker & Tradesman

    Great Scott Redevelopment | 1 Harvard Ave | Allston

    A tidbit of how they'll make it work that we got from one of the developers for our story yesterday:
  18. Banker & Tradesman

    New England Revolution Stadium | 173 Alford Street | Boston-Everett

    In case you hadn't seen it, yet, the Revs stadium got included in the just-released economic development bill: Key bit starts at the end of page 296 of the PDF. Our story is here, if anyone is curious...
  19. Banker & Tradesman

    Multi-Family Zoning Requirements for MBTA Communities We took a look at some of the towns going in the opposite direction of Lexington, et al., places like Hopkinton that are leveraging a lack of water and sewer infrastructure to hamstring the amount of...
  20. Banker & Tradesman

    1280-1330 Boylston Street, Brookline

    It's a very slight increase. Building B is there in the "before" image but it's greyed out for reasons. The massing model @NorthshoreCity posted up-thread has the view from Route 9 before this size reduction., which more clearly shows Building B.
