Search results

  1. M

    Suffolk Downs Redevelopment | East Boston/Revere

    Re: MA Casino Developments Steve Holt!
  2. M

    Public Art

    Toad got hit by 2 red shells again???
  3. M

    [ARCHIVED] Harbor Garage Redevelopment | 70 East India Row | Waterfront | Downtown

    Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage) little blurb in the globe
  4. M

    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    Re: South Station Tower Yeah probably didn't word it as best as I could. I don't disagree with you regarding mixed use. Guess what I'm trying to say is that there should be incentives to get office space in the best spots for mass transit, rather than in harder to access areas.
  5. M

    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    Re: South Station Tower I'd say the best use here from a regional standpoint has to be office and then probably hotel. Being directly above a transit hub incentivizes use of public transport as opposed to other modes, lessening the impact of traffic on the city when compared to building in...
  6. M

    The "MERC" at Moody & Main | Waltham

    Re: The "MERC" at Moody & Main eyes crossed, i like that one
  7. M


    South Boston? Anyways, I don't see gentrification happening any time soon in Mattapan. It's too far away from the action. Maybe 20 years from now.
  8. M

    Winthrop Center | 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

    Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2 Agreed that mixed use will be the most likely and financially viable option. Residential for sure if it reaches substantial height...much like 1 Franklin this would have excellent, excellent views once it gets past the "plateau" making it an...
  9. M

    Dorchester Infill and Small Developments

    It's funny. Tell people I live in Savin Hill, no one bats an eye...tell someone I live in Dorchester and everyone loses their minds. Your assessment is pretty reasonable south of Field's corner - but I'd fine tune it like this for good areas north of there: -Polish triangle area is great and...
  10. M

    Dorchester Infill and Small Developments

    Asking that question is like asking "is all of cambridge doomed?" or "is somerville and medford doomed" It's a huge area and the story is completely different from place to place. Parts abutting Southie are gentrifying rapidly. Parts around the Neponset (lower mills, et. al.) never were...
  11. M

    Boston Nightlife

    Have you tried Lyft? That one is more of the gypsy cab variety but I find it to be even cheaper. I prefer it.
  12. M

    Chelsea Infill and Small Developments

    You're forgetting about JP. And I guess the area around the orange line, if you consider that Roxbury. There are quite a few developments planned for that area. Roslindale too, perhaps. And dont forget East Somerville and Medford, in the other direction. ...The jeffries point area isn't all...
  13. M

    Chelsea Infill and Small Developments

    I tend to agree with this analysis. Has anyone seen the "Favored quarter" theory of cities? Gentrification and development tend to follow corridors and "add on" to each other rather than just start up somewhere equidistant to the core, but in a different direction. And it makes sense. If...
  14. M

    The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

    Re: TD Garden Towers All these parties involved are just horrible at PR. They shouldn't even mentioned the word "tax breaks" or anything of the ilk. They should say how the developer is "providing infrastructure improvements" and "community benefits" and then list some out e.g., enclosed...
  15. M

    New Red and Orange Line Cars

    seriously? that's huge for the braintree branch especially
  16. M

    Who Wants To Be... MAYOR!

    Or even three? The Irish part voted for Walsh The African - American part voted for Richie The Cape Verdean part voted for Barros
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    Seaport Square (Formerly McCourt Seaport Parcels)

    That's surprisingly small. PwC has thousands upon thousands of employees in Boston. Still, good to see a professional services jump over the Fort Point Channel.
  18. M

    Seaport Square (Formerly McCourt Seaport Parcels)

    How many square feet is this new PwC building? Don't they currently take up all of 125 high st. now? Unless this building has monster floorplates this move is puzzling to me.
  19. M

    Food Options

    Shiiiiiiiiiiiit. I go to Lindo probably every other week. All Seasons is great. Cool vibe too, what with the jazz. Exchange Street is expensive for Malden. Small portions too. But good. I'd also recommend Blue Fuji in Medford Sq. Any recommendations for lunch around Copley? I'm always...
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    Then and Now

    It's only about 4 buildings as far as I can tell. Which for 25 years is kinda sad -that spaceship looking thing -liberty mutual -1 back bay -shit building on st james (10 st james?)
