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  1. H

    The Boston "what if" thread

    Sad thing is, if it had lasted until the '70s or '80s it could've probably been cleaned up instead of filled. And then we would have beautiful waterfront land in Roxbury and the South End.
  2. H

    Archboston revamp

    Calling people "bloggers" was pretty much the last nail in the coffin needed to convince me.
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    Proposed But Never Built

    I would say somewhere closer to downtown because the website mentions "the adjacent towers" and there are no towers in Eagle Hill. There is a gridded building in the rendering, but I've never seen it.
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    Crazy Transit Pitches

    Would it be possible to build a rapid transit line along the Fairmount line by elevating it over the tracks, somewhat like the Union Freight RR and the Atlantic Ave El? You would probably run into some difficulty when the line goes below grade at Washington Street, but a viaduct over the...
  5. H

    Foundation Medicine (Parcel P) | 400 Summer Street | Seaport

    Looks like a beautifully mutated overgrown 1920s factory.
  6. H

    General Boston Discussion

    And our legacy will be a fuzzy photo of some ugly 1970s buildings. Dammit.
  7. H

    Worcester Infill and Developments

    Worcester is trying to get Hasbro to Providence. The Providence Journal Has Threatened "War":
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    Providence developments

    Providence Advocacy Group Produces Plan for "Rapid Rail" between Providence and Davisville:
  9. H

    Photo of the Day, Boston Style: Part XII (2019)

    Very nice photo. I wish Boston had more blocks that looked like that.
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    Citgo Sign

    I'm going to see it just for that scene.
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    Kendall Common ( née Volpe Redevelopment) | Kendall Sq | Cambridge

    Thanks! This is very good news. A skyscraper in Kendall will really bring the cityscape into a new league and perhaps a couple other big buildings would follow
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    Cambridge Infill and Small Developments

    Only if it's tastefully designed in streamlined art deco
  13. H

    Kendall Common ( née Volpe Redevelopment) | Kendall Sq | Cambridge

    What are the chances the 500' tower will actually be built? It seems that it could be just be a proposal that goes nowhere or ends up as another 200' residential building.
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    Poor people zoning??
  15. H

    Education First (Phase III) | 10 North Point Blvd | Cambridge

    It's at least nice to break all the glass with a some white stuff, even if I can't imagine ever wanting to work there.
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    I M Pei dies at 102

    Rest in peace. The architect who got me into modernism.
  17. H

    New Red and Orange Line Cars

    They should deploy plastic platforms like they did in Everett.
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    Fantasy T maps

    Here's one originally posted by Downburst:
  19. H

    NYC Architecture and Development

    227 fifth ave- I get a serious WTC vibe- I wonder if that was intentional
  20. H

    The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

    Never thought I'd day this, but something in me likes the lines on the fat side.
