Search results

  1. H

    Boston - Most Embarrassing Blight That Tourists See

    OK. If it's speficific to blight, than I nominate State Service Center.
  2. H

    Boston - Most Embarrassing Blight That Tourists See

    Even tourists with no architectural interest can tell that its ugly and doesn't fit what they thought (cobblestone streets, brick churches).
  3. H

    Boston - Most Embarrassing Blight That Tourists See

    West End. If you are entering Boston from the North, the first thing you see is that horrible mass of 60s apartment and office towers, and you think "Isn't Boston all historic and shit?".
  4. H

    Providence Transit

    I just wanted to create this thread for further use, to hold all the proposals bouncing around The Renaissance City for streetcars, commuter and light rails, BRTS, upgraded bus service and even subway pipe dreams. They got the Rapid Bus line built, which is a watered down or streamlined BRT...
  5. H

    Hope Point Tower (Fane) | 250 Dyer Street | Providence

    Too true...
  6. H

    Hope Point Tower (Fane) | 250 Dyer Street | Providence

    Ha! Planning board just rejected it. Hopefully someone else will come by with a better design.
  7. H

    Four Seasons Tower @ CSC | 1 Dalton Street | Back Bay

    Just think of how great it would look with SST in there.
  8. H


    Amazing how flat the business district is. Really accentuates the Customs House.
  9. H

    Nominations: ArchBoston ugliest buildings

    I love the pic of the defaced notice on the wall.
  10. H

    Nominations: ArchBoston ugliest buildings

    Boston Med at 750 Albany St.,-71.0721078,3a,60y,138.26h,98.42t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1stDlpSxoZ-QNn8RCigWYQBg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  11. H

    Nominations: ArchBoston Biggest Urban Planning Disaster

    How has no one mentioned the West End? From vibrant, diverse, mixed use district to empty "parks" dotted by residential towers and crossed by maintenance roads and alleys. Not even true city blocks.
  12. H

    New U.S. masterplanned city.

    Re: New us masterplanned city.
  13. H

    New U.S. masterplanned city.

    Re: New us masterplanned city. Some of the islands could do. Some minuscule coastal townships between BH and Eastport would also work. There are lots of un-incorporated territories up on the St. John River and other places in Northern Maine.
  14. H

    New U.S. masterplanned city.

    Re: New us masterplanned city. Great idea! I've dreamed many times about this. Why should China have all the fun? They get to build new ones every year or so.
  15. H

    Winthrop Center | 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

    Re: 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District Let's hope so.
  16. H

    How Tall Are Boston's Buildings and Should They Be Taller?

    What's the "next residential" one? I hadn't heard.
